i is ,1 5* ~4*. w Kaiden-Kazanjan Photo OnTuesday, in St. Paul's church, Paget, Bermuda, Miss Betty Juanita Dubbs, daughter of Mr. a nd Mrs. Carbon P. Dubbs of Wilmetté and ChelstQn, Paget, was mnarried to Richard Everett Freisenbritch of Pem- broke, Bermuda. Mr. and Mrs. Dubbs had the reception follow- ing, the service, at Belmont Manor. T h e, bride and bride- groom will include the Neuw York and $an Francisco f ai r.s'and three weeks in Hon olulu in their wedding trip. Kenilworth'sMystery Party Is a 'Surprise A "mystery party" given, Satur-! day evening by Mr. and Mrs. Ver-' non R. Loucks, 234 Sheridan road. Eenilworth, was the c ause, last week, of many visits paid the vil- lage hall and post office. Curious guests who had received invitations, ORIGINAL DESIGNS-WHITE, DARK, OR COLORS FOR EVERY OCCASION AND ALL SEASONS Formerly up to $1475 ~sSTREET"ý SEASON'S lEST MODELS AT VERY EXCITING VALUES aniuer iichmann of.Barrir former member of the clt hostesses will be Mrs. WaltE of Kenilworth and Mrs. Ar Jenks of Winnetka. K*' 7>