Moffett Photo Af ter July 15, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Krafthefer will be at home in the new summer place they have been building at Lotus Woods, Spring Grove, Ill. Bel ore takisng up reidnee, heowever, they h a v e been spending the trne since their marriage on June 17, on a honeymoon which included, a visit with the bride- groom'gsisster, Sister Immaculee of tSt. Mary's - of - the - Woods, and a trip to Northern Wiscont- sin. The bride is t he former Evelyn M. French of Morton Grove. Mr. Krafthefer is the son of the James M. Krafthe fers of Wilmette. Weddig Postponed Beeause of the sriousIl l1nesof~ thc bride's father, Walter J. Muench, 826 Chestnut avenue, Wil- mette, the wedding of Miss. Gen- evieve Muench and Thomas J. Mad- igan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis i Madigan of Chicago, which was to have taken place Thursday, June 29, has been postponed. A later date i will be set for the wedding as soon as a favorable report is received from St. Francis hospital where Mr. i t-~,nh i. ili tih ht-m,.,,haLai- t FOR MEN- Velour Sport Jackets, rust, tan, green. ........ P$.*5 Jodhpurs, carefuliy tailored ........... Chino Breeches, cool for summer .............5 BOYS" AND) GIRLS Jodhpurs and Riding Breeches .......................... .$2.95 to 19,95 FOR WOMEN Tbree-Pîe e akSuits,ý........... 1......... ...................88 Two.Pi'ee Slac1k Suits................ ....... 1.......i1.95 i$9 Embrehlered 1Hopsaecdng Jackete........................... Wasbable Gabardine Jodhpurs ln brown Uta,» black, *green. 110w.Mgh walst .... ........................................ .95 Broadcloth Rtiding Shirts ............ 1.......... .......9 Regular $15 Pastel Suedé Jackets ...... ...........15 Regulation Western Levis ................... ............ .. ....3 Régulation Wetert Blots ............. .................SStu>P.l 7BJAlLE Y"S Opn husdy nd 1Saudoy E.nings ee 70Ckmrch Sf.. Evasfun GRUIf 3060 AIR CONDITIONED for COMFORTABLE SHOPPING OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS, UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK IIEDC-AR:,A. .STEVENS, Inc. V 1 ý ý