July1 1. A. R. Gardner, pr esid gent of -the bank, said that no more debentures. wifl be issued until Sep- tember, and flot then, uniess needi develops. The CJhicago bank mwhich serves the Iiiinois-Wisconsin dis- trict, was the.largest participant of ail the twelve district banks in the maturing issueý Its pàjyment is JONES ANT KIRLLER - A rire way to RID your homne and Iawn of ANTS. For mie at an stores. JONXS PRODUCTS CO.,.Milwaukee. Wn. JIFÂTING PLANTS CLEÂNIED, BM SICTION NOW ... before the Heating Season is the proper time to have your FURNACE OR BOILER VACUUM CLEANED. The cost will range fromn $6 to $10. Filters replaced. Complete Vacuum Cleaning and Barner Service 1141 GREENLEAF AVENUE JACK SLOWN COO PHONE WIUPMETTE 221 100% at present Dy Iivestri their own communities, Home Finanfig. by Home Folks No Expensive Renewâlà, Pay for your Home like Rent. Agk us about onir HOME. LOAN. PLANS. WinnetkaBuilding 716 EInt St, WIuu. 101 tm mi s -* 1L~ wtVfK. '.I'n e DLUflIe Knights are mcvmng te Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Brock have a son, Albert, who attends Lake Forest Miitary academy, and a sonl, Betty, who will go te New Trier the mid- dle cf next year, after she gradu- ates from the eighth grade. 1 50 percent frorn the May total of $413,465, which was the highest of any mnonth since the, first of the year. Nineteen of. the 50 permnits issued -were for new resideïnces costing $190,000, of Which.il were 'builti *Wilnette, at àa cost, of $919000. In- the four Villages there. was a total of.4 permits for aiteration jobs cf various kinds, costing. $31,- 750; 6 'for private, garages, valued at $i,700, and one 'for a vegetabie stand, $100. 84 New Homes During the firste six modnths of the year, a total cf 232 building~ permits, were issued, in the four villages for iniprovemnents totailing $1,43U863, cf 1which 84 were for new residences, costing $1,068,823. In the ftrst six months cf 1935, the a valuation cf $1,168,559, cf which only 54 were for new residences,- costing $801,240. Since January 1, Wilmette has bufit 41 residences, at a cost cf $407,300, an average cf $9,934 per residence. Kenilworth's record for the sameé period, is il residences, costing $192,500, an average cf $17,500. Winnetka built 22, costing $326,800,, 11111> tuuul * newnom.JUi-ne LLA3UUU1 - jwill be sent if the new homes are to be built for their own occupancy in *this area during the next twelve tmonths, at costs cf $4,000 or more excluding land purchases. Applica- tions for Home Owners' Catalogs are being received by the publish- ers, F. W. Dodge Corporation, Park * quare Building, Boston. Copies will will -be sent postage.paid to the fam- flies who 'qualify. Kenilwor-th ,Gives 2>.Homes Approval .Two new residences ýare being buiit iKenilworth, according ,te: permits.issued the past week. One was taken eut by Michael. J. 0'Donovan,' for :a' two-story, brick veneer residence cf1 seven rooms and attached garage- at 647 Kenil- wvorth. avenue, costing $13,ù0. J. G. Steinback, cf Chicago, is the ar- ec1hitect and Rice and' Rice, ..mc., aise of* Chicago, is the contracting firm., The üther house is being built for Raiph and Coleta McNally, at 7201 cest of $12,500. 0f brick veneer and frame construction, it. will be two stories and. comprise seven rooms. Frank A. McNally' and associates are the architects. Albert Brocks Buy Home ini Kenilworth ki