Hg Steel VE Travei 45c sq. I. Kir repaired. C1265. piCTRmE RAMEuS REP) r.iglldd. .Oilpaintionu <«t'mates. phone unlveruity 8@uILpNGaAD CONTACIN a MASON. STONE * CEM-ENT Contractor THIOMAS MEYER 211iSchiler Ave. Wilmette 1778 2OLTN4b-tf c 81 UILDING AND REPAIR RQ(O-)cgGARDEN AND FLAGSTONES, brick, cement and Ftone work. TuckC 3 poiting.Outdoor fireplaces. 1 have a stock of unusually large stones Ideal for a lake or strong retainIng wall. H*UBERtT 1ARTWELL WN. 28U1. E. V.HOLDING Modernistie Celotex interior designs. 309 l7th St. imte10 CARL BENGSTON CARPENTER AND BUILDER Repairing and Remodeling CALL WInNETKA 2480 ATTER 6 p. m. 21LTN6-4tp Il. Iattack of time ;-may we sug- ______________ gest a prompt beauty treat- ment tbrough the aid of the skilled labor listed in our SERVICE columns. Free estimates, excellent suggestions. a n odrate prices a re offered by these iadverisers. This Page- Is Your Service Page, (40-ttc' I 25 . PAINTI NG AND DECORtATINU6 PAINMTING &, DECORATINO, DURKOOP DECORATING SERVICE Winnetka 710: EXTERZOÈ 'HOUSE PAINTING WeC spcai n outslde only. Wltb wtelead end oil, Seilwtr proofing added.ý Guaranteed to last twloe aslong-yet. our prieés are the bowest. HIHLND PARK 2mi 25LTN8-4tp DECORATING EUGENE DURKCOOP ma wmt"àegti ieheu uM12 25LTN84tp Pedersen Decorating Co. l'UtST CLASS WORIC. PULLY INSUItED. WINNETKA41. 25LTN8-4tp C. W. ANDERSON Painting and Decorating Reliable. Reasonable. Phone. Wilmette 4621. 25LTN7-4tp 42 ADNN 73 SRWING MACHINg RÉFPAIRINQ SINGER, WHITE, OTHER MAKES, foot o r electric. Expert Gua. Repair Service. at $1 .600 Sell-buy-exthange, 21 yrs. exper. At ýMllens Hardware. Wil- mette 3060. 73LTN9*4tp 3 LOOT AND FOUND ILOST-FRID)AY., JUNE 30th. CASE ýCON- tâining Joyce & Kirchner g lasses &: wrist watch, along beach between Ma- honey & Wilmette beaches. Reward.. Betty McDermott, Wilmette 1979. 3LTN9ltp 5 BUSINESSU #ERSONA)L 5x7 enlargements, 50c; 8x16. 25c; 24 hour service. Harold Wagner, 1218 Glen- denning. Wilmette 2787. 7 A d U .A 'OTV AMEICITf riQUE CROT- small, 4 large with separate ue mnahogany rop leaf table Pv.sent onn raze s.ion ruua- m -'S- - Free Garage Parking Rear DVS2233 Hollycourt 4220. 87LTNItfc FEDERAL hOME.LOANS' LOANS ON, NORTa SnWRE HOMEs Maximum blans. Convenlent monthLy repayment plan oaver % to 15 years. Deal wlith 'a local institutioDn. Full details by Inquiry at FIRST F1EDERAL..S.VIGS &LOAN ASSOCIATION 0F WILMETTE Mr. Cllfton, Secretiry 1155, Wlmette Avenue Wilmette 1623 WE HAVE'FUNDS AVAILABLE NOW for immediate commitment on. *FIRST MORTGA GES At 4%, 41/% 5% Interest on modern homes which qualify ALSO F.H.'A. LOANS McGUIRE & ORR, Ime. Over 45 years of DWendable Service. 530 'DvsS. Evans. 1 .228.'Ofé. 10I80. 87LTN9-ltc FIRST MORTGAGES TUNDS AVAILABLE AT CURRENT RATES 0F INTEREST. FRA A NNANC- ING, REFINANCING AND REORGAN-. IZATION LOANS. PROMPT SERVICE. Joseph C. Cormack & Co. 1569 Sherman Ave., Evanston Uni. 3353 87LTN43-tfe 1114 wa8higoflAve- wl CARENTR &GENERAL screen, stairs. raillng, rec.1 & awnig, porches, cabinets, chenu reuiodeled. A. Luke, 'W 35PAINTIrNe AND, ECOI Phone Winne 'AIRS; wood .,kit- Oty4 P. Tho -I health. A 7show dpig; mpette 2330 FOR SA spaniel,i ken. $25. llLTN9I.ip COCKER House bro- 94L9.1t1e COMPANION TO LADY OR HOUSEKEEPER FOR ELDERLY, person. Will leave city. Best of refers. University 4259. 94LTN9-ltp osition as nursemaid by k in small store or of B. Iwork,'gar deinorca ltp enced . Gre.052 l2tpI ur., 95LI