Van Vactoer t. Conduct On Saturday evening, July' 8, Da- vid Van Vactor, fiutist with the or- chestra, will conduct the first per- formance of bis Divertimento for Smaix Orchiestra, witien under- spé- cial commission of the Festival as- sociation. Van Vactor added to bis notable reputation as a composer during the last Ravinia Festival with a new work, "Symphonie Suite" and recently he won the New (Continued on Page 7) Allen R. Bray la Appuzointed School Treasurer At a 'meeting of the New Trier Township board of .school trustees, held Wednesday of last week, Allen R.' Bray, 401 Washington avenuei Glencoe, was chosen township school treasurer to succeed IHoyt King of Wilmette, who recently pre- sented his resignation to the board. Mr. Bray, who took~ over the duties of bis new office on Satur- day, bas for several years been treasurer of the Glencoe Park dis- Edmuizd W. Burke, 205 Lawn- dalie,:Wlmette, wvell knovm Chi-- cago and North Shore attorney, haa been appointed Master W: Chance'îy of the Superior court of Cook counttu, it wasannounced1 this week. Mr. Burke, who is a member of the law fIrm of Burke, Jackson and Burkce, has pe!roréd 'notaAble sétv- ice as counsel for the. New Trier Township board for some time and is a member of the faculty of the Chicago Kent Coflege of Law. He has a large North Shore clientele and represents several outstanding con- cerns in Evanston. He is a graduate of Northwestern university and the Chicago Kent Col- lege of Law. SMr. Burke will serve in the court of Judge John F. Haas. His position as master i chancery wil l ot inter- fere with hits private practice. Stiburban Towns Body Holds Session Friday Top honors in the drawmng divi-' sion went to Janet Smiith and sec- ond'prize to Noel Haines Casavant, both of whomn arepupils at New Trier. The winning entries ini the contest were chosen by' a comnmittee of judges composed of Peterpaul Ott, and Carl E. Scheffler, director of the Evainston Academy of Fine Arts. Iishop Waldorf to Open Camp Meeting Bishop Ernest L. Waldorf, of Wil- mettee, head of the Methodist church in the Chicago Area, will formafly open the Methodist Camp Meeting at DesPlalies Sunday af- ternoon, July 9, at 3 o'clock. The program of meetings and a<ctivities for Sunday and the week foflowing îs given on the Church Page in this issue. .Wednesday night, July 12, will mark the opening of the.series of eight '.'Starlight Symphony", con- certs to be given iln Wilmette amPhitheatre' during July and -Aug ust by thé Mlinois SymphoDny orhes tra;- Izler Solomon, conductor, Win. present, the. first number ýat81 0' clock. It is. announced tlhat .Jenika Sie- bos, prIncipal cellilat Of the or- chestra and one of America'a out- standing cellists, .Winl be t h e featured , oloist. H e r appearance WiU be welcomed by North Shore music loyers Who knowr of her work' with the flinois Symphony orches- tra, the 'Chicago Civie orchegtra and he SidenergSinfomietta. She is the only wonan member of the latter organization, and will be heard by thousands ini the lake front amphitheatre as she. plays Boell- mann's "Variaions_ Symphion- iques." Anasunce Prograin The complote program to be pro. sented under the baton of Conduc-, tor Izler Solomon is as follows: 1. Overture to,«'The Bartered Bride," by Smetana. 2. SYmphony No. 5 1ir o m .*The New WorMd," by Dvorak. I. "Variations Symnphoniques," for ceflo and orchestra, by Boellnann. featur- ing Jenslça Siebos, famous celiist. INTERISSION '4. A suite from Uthe ballet "Golden Age,," by Shostakovich. 5. "'Marche Slave," by Tsehatkowsky. Favorite on Shor. The Mihnois Symphony orchestra needs no introduction .to North Shore villagers. It is comlng to Wlmette for the, fourth successive season, and durlng those periods has won the plaudits of tremendous crowds of music-wise people for the excel- lence of its programs and the hlgb quality of its muuic. T'he "Starlight Symphonies" arei being sponsored this season by Wil.