sp.çI.i salol wRISLEY SOAPS Values 10e te 25e 10 for 44cý Round,1ovalsquare or oblÎ,og Lu 1p 11, biue, green, yfo and wbite. BaeSt,=e for tbree days only. Wrisley'u Sop Values se te Br 10 Éor25C Fontaine Castile Uoap About598 Wieboldts Homey& 12 for 69C WIeldNts Col Cream Sap' 12ler 79c. 11e Woodbury S.ap 3ef.1 lt 011v-D o Sop 10fo495. the radio station's responsibil$ty, 43 rising! As consumners, we cau nave percent, the parents'. This is not a influence. Here are suggestions as very decided diffrence of opinion to how to use it most .effectively if and indicates just what most think- yyou desire. to write to a station, or ers :would feel,- that it la a divided a sponsor:. responsibility. 1. Alwaýs: write a real letter, neyer Frank 'P. -McNînch of.the Federal a post card, and sign il personally.. 2. Write letters of approval as well as Communications ýcomnmission says; those exffiressing: disapproval. Good pro- "'A clear responsibility -for corre c- grams must be supported if they are te tion. of this condition 1referring to remain on the air. chilrens prgras) rstson .e3. If y'ou write ln critlcism of. a par- chilrehs prgras). est, onthetieular programn, tell exaèt1y, what you networks and the mnanagersof local think is wrong. Also mention its good stations. 0Of. course there is alsol points, If you can flnd any. cntucie 4. Make your criticism cntutv. a. responsibilityr resting upon. par- Suggest ways to remedy the undesirable ents, who mnay control, the situation. features- of. the program. ai the receiving set à "5 If you very, strongly disapprove of a giveýn progtam, It la your privile-goe tÙ Statlon'S ReSPOnslbifity sav that you will nlot permit your ch!Iý Most decidedly we would feel that dren, tolisten and that you -eilIr4u_ radio stations should see 1 that their to buy any of the goods advertjsed until that program, la wlthdrawn frôm the air. programs presented particularlV for If you feel called upon to take t hiq Atti- children should have no objection- tude, be sincere, see that your children able features. We would go further do not listen, that they do not send in an say thet in the, iuîerest ofth labels, and that you do net use the public good, those hours when chul- Parents a Buylng Power dren are most apitn listen, say, Let us say here that parental dis- fromn 4 to 9 p.m., should be kept free pleasure is making iseif feit at the fromn any programs that would be producing end of radio. Stations generally harmful to cbild listeners. and sponsors are recognizing the Mr. McNinch speaks of the con-, faet that parents are a power in, trol exerci'sed by the Communica- the community, especially a buying, tions commission through the issu-j power. lt is feit that by fall there ing, and renewing of broadcasting will be considerable improvement licenses and continues, "The com- in the type of children's programs mission can, and. does, respond to'presented over the'air. Our duty as crystallized publie opinion in mat-' parents il to use our influence now, ters affeeting the. publie interest. when f a il contracts are being for yo ur SAVINOS The Origimal Dî*ver$iûed lnestmnt Your savngs are profected by MANY modern homes, con- tfleir Vieskon , lstakably, even more imnportant 10 o ake primarily to the broadcasters, but: known our convictions that à gener- to the commission as. well.. .. ..al betterment of the whole situti.o.n Parents will have - given the com- is necessary. For example, a ba r- mission, for its guidance, evidence rage of letters against..a certain of how the stations perforrn, or fail "ethrilleèr" might have UIhe 'esirer. to perform, the public service which, effect ofý rem.oving it fromn the air. for the commission, is, the test o!, But if there is nothing to prevent operation in the public interest." the sponsor from' starting a newI What Can Parent Do9 serial, Just as bad or worse, a few Just what then shouid we do asý Imonths later, littie is gained. Prac- 2 on tti7p marp t .hil ,,~I tically the same nrouram rnktht he. sponsors. Stations and rUKUs and arrange for its mutual avite letters expressing enforcement among all radio sta- s or their listeners. List- tions. the conaume-s of radio' Parents concerned about this ra- Approval or disapproval dio matter. wil also want to s.ee Wleboldtrs Double Edo Standard' RAZOR BLADES R~eg. price 50 for 98c ors5oc 01 Exceptionally fine * blades, triple testei and sharpenedi filtered 011. Designefi te fit old and new types of most double edge razOrS. Specialiy * sale priced for three days.