5 L!IVELIiER RES PON-SE to inspire confidence.. It is based, package: and because enforcernent On Satijrday, evening at Ravinia,, on a work permit system, a busi- m rachinery is strengrthened." Feuermann wilI be heard in Dvor- pess-like, impérsonal, and effective Notes Some Progress ak's B mînor concerto and on Sun- co i erol.h Oage asmnt hhha enteousa day afternoon afternoon, he will play "Forfiv yersthe eage hs mnt the merit system in govern- Haydn's D major concerto. Worked tirelessl 'y for an improvéd ing objective of thé League.of Wom-, Food and Drug Iaw. The new bill en Voters for the past four 'years. Northwestern Students as it was finally agreed upon l'y Miss Wells was less commendatory the Senate and House is cons ider-1 although she gave credit for some Visit New Trier Class ably stronger in consumer protec- advances.Th Nohesrn nieit tion than the present 1aw and basic- The re grd tonotethat he a- ersit-y ally sound.-eaega ont httea eos.àti ,ri]