ever cities. 4w The train, equipped with in- dividual reclining seat de luxe coaches, fresh' from the shops, club buffet car, dining, car and oberva- tion-bùffet-lounlge car, will be paint- ed in two tones of gray 'and will of- fer the finest'and fastest coach serv- ice ever provided 'between the it- minai citiez. Ail seats will be re- served and one car wilI be restrict- ed to the use of women and chul- dren. The -schedule,. the railroad, an- nounced. will provide for a daylight, ride.in both d irections along the his- toric HudsonRiver. Eastboundý, the train will eave Chicago.at2 p. m-., standard time, and will arrive in Grand Central Terminal at 8 a. m., standard timne. Westbound, it wIll. leave Grand Central Termin.v1 New York, at 5 'p.m., standard time, and! arrive in Chicago at 9 a.m., standard tine. T.W.A. Opens Second Chicago Loop Office .Nearly doubling its present, pas- senger service. facilities, Transcon- tiniental & Western Air, Inc., open- ed its second Chicago ioop office last Thursday, it wa.s announced by J.-A. Thomas, central manager of at 37 South LaSalle street. The, new offices will be u.sed as headquarters for the airline's Chicago and central., region sales personnel and wiIl also provide for a commodious passen- ger lounge. Openmng of the LaSalle street of- fice is another step in recognition by the airline of Chicago's, positioni as the nation's- aviation center.j T.W.A.'s other ticket office is Io- cated in the Palmer House. VISIT NEW YORK FAIR Mr. an-d Mrs. Ralph C. Jennings, 126 Broadway avenue, and son, Bill, are Ieaving July 20, to spend. three weeks motoring in the East. They will go to Connecticut, Long Is- land,. New Hampshire, an-d will visit the fa-ir in New York. mey nve pIurenaseb i "o- S. S. S'OUTH AMERICAN - S. S.-NOfiTH AMERICAN'