Progressive Party OnIy Summer Event For Woman's Club The ways aend means committee of the Womnan's club of Wilmnette, of which Mrs. R. D. Oilar is chairmai,, is gîI ving only one party this sum- mner; -but that one, Wedne9day. al- ternoon, July 26, 12:30 o'clock, comn-. bines a garden tour, a. progressive luitcheoni and, a al in one. and. ahfor tbe post of one. It 15 to be a charming Party, limit- ed to two bundredguests, with Mrs. John P. Bahiian, as chairman, and Mrs. Stanley Johnson, Mrs. C., Sey- mour. Jones, Mrs. George H. Red- dnMrs. George Hendricksoni, and Mrs. Benjamin Jacobsen, as co- chairmen. The guesta. will meet in the gairdel;' of Mrs. A. V. Grubfl, 1010 Chestnut avenu, .where the. first course wil be served. The main course wfll be served ini the garden of Mrs. Henry W ' Drucker, 1125 Mohawk road, and the dessert at Mrs. Burt J. Den- man's, 21 Linden avenue. Mfter luncheon the guests will go to the Woman's club for the bridge party. There are to be exquisite little prizes, handmade, for each table. Tickets for the Party rnay be ob- Sherman *A former Wllnette girl, Miss Verna Bell Sybil Weld, who bas been living ini Evanston witbh ber mother, Mrs. Chester H. Weld, was married last.Saturday night at 8:301 o'clock,. in the L. D.* Traverts' home1 in Evanston, to Leon Sherman of Evanston, son of C., R. Sherman o Xansas City, Kas. Trhe Rev. lrl ,G.1 Whiîtcburch officiated at the cere- mony whicb was, performed biefore the fireplace. decorated witb white candles and edged at eacb side by a bouquet of rose- colored, gladioli. -White candies and rose, gladioli were placed elsewhere throughoUt thelhome for the occasion. The bride wore white lace with a finger-tip length tulle veil and car- ried white gardenias and white Sgladioli. Her sister, Mrs. L. Vernon ITravert of Elgin, the former El- Nora Weld, , as matron of ,hot'cw, was dressed in organdie of green- blue shade, and had white snap- dragons in ber bouquet. Mrs. Weld wore a corsage of gardenias witb ber lavender lace gown. 'H. D. Brobm of Evanston was betman and Mr. Travert played the wedding march. toNeYokoanatmbltrp .,l ,nftr hseir rtirn, an apart- Be Gala Event for. N. S. CatIiucs Mrs. John Boylston who bas do- nated ber garden a nd home for the, partyý to be given bY the Catholic action departmeflt of the Woman's Catholie Club of Wilrnette on July 26. entertained. the Ispecial prize, com- mnittee at berý home. at luncheon Thursday, July 6. The special prize commnittee is composed, of the fol- lowing,ý Mrs. Harry Barker, Mrs. Henry G. Dalton. Mrs. Ernest Mun- dee, Mrs'. John J. Tracey,* Mrs. A.. ,W. Witbrorw, Mrs., Clifton Walker, and Mrs. George Steele. Mrs. Steele, chairman of, the de- partment, reports that the sale of tickets is, unusually brisk and that ail indications pdint to a very suc- cessful party. This is. te, be the one large party of the sumnmer season. As -everyone le. intensely lnterested in the cause for whicb the party is given, a banner crowd is expect- ed. It is earnestly 'urged tliat men- bers or their friends or neigbbors intending to attend this party make their reservations as early as poss- ible so as not to be disappointed., This is one party of the club that will interest most Nortb ShoreýCath- olics so a large attendance is ex- pected. One of the commnittee merm- bers listed -1.-low mav be called for Grubn's home are the fiowig. Mrs. C. Seymour Jones, chairman, and Mesdames E. A. Claar, Paul E. Keller, William D. MiUlard, W. C. Huggins, J. G. Ilamming. At Mrs. Drucker's, Mrs. George Redding will bave charge,' assisted by Mesdames E. J. Matot, Charles N. Evans, Herbert Jobnston, James Barcus, C. E. JarcboW, W. D. Wil- son, E. A. Fellers, Edwin Burbott, (Ir J. Nivlund. Moffett Photo For her marriage last rnonth to a former Wilmette resiclent, Henry Churchill Williams of De- troit, Miss Barbara Taylor Bal- lenger of Hubbard Woods chose a gown of white net over satin. Their wedding trip took Mr. and Mrs. Wlliams t hr o u gh the Srnokies, and thei/ are now at about fifteen guests. at her home, al7 Cenïtral avenue, Wilmette at a shower in honor of Miss Weld. the success oft he party are, ivrs. Harry Barker, Mrs. Willian Dillon, Mrs. Charles Rogers, Mrs. Ernest Mundee, Mrs. Samuel Moore, *Mrs. Gordon MeWilliams, Thomas Gibbons, Mrs. James V. O'Brien_ Mrs. James Tarletoni Mrs. John Tracey, Mrs A. W.. Withrow, Mrs.. G. E. Wells, and Mrs. Clift on Walker.