Joins Ranks of August Brides Announcemlent is made of the ap- proaching marriage of Miss Jose- phine ealhatchet, daughter of.Mr. and Mrs. William Balbatchet,' 725 Tenth Street, ,Wilmette, and, Paul Carter Zempel of Denver, Colo., the son of Mr.. a nd Mrs. Lawrence Zempel of Lewistown, 111. Miss Baihatchet wasgraduated, in -Tune from - orthwestern university where she wgs a member of Kappa Kappa ýGamma sorority. Mr. Zemp- el was a Phi Delta Theta at North-1 western. He was. graduated fromi the liberal arts school and the law1 tchool, and i law sehool belonged1 to Phi Delta Phi.. He is now prac-1 ticing law in Denver where thei young couple w111 live.ý The wedng is te take plte at 8:30 o'clock WedneFday evening, August 9, in St. Mark's Episcopal church in. Evanston, the Rev. F. L. -Carruthers officiating. Following the ceremony a reception will be held at the Orrigton hotel., The list of men~ in the wedding party is not yet complete, but the bride has chosen five attendants. They will 1,re- lier sister, Mrs. Don Kent Alfor<1 of E1nsn the formr A party of twenty guests met onie night recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Witzleben, Jr., 625 Exmoor road, Kenilwortb, for re-. freshments before leaving for a farm west, of Skokie, boulevard., There. they. set out. upon a hayý ride along Sunset !Ridge road, stoppinjg later at a. general store and taveriù for other refreshments. en the party wýere Mr., and Mrs. Witzleben, Mr. and Mrs.. Harold. Burke of, Kenili- worth, Mr. andMrs., Arthur Moyer and Mr. and Mrs. John'Leimert of Glenicoe, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Tho- eckle, M r. and, Mrs. E. J. Loritz, Mr. and Mrs.. Philip May, Mr. and.ý Mrs. Ralph Brown, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward 0., Iemler, all of Wil- mette. Plans FilI Wed ding Lowry and Gottschalk Photo At a family tea onSud, July 9, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Buige of, Wlmette announced the en- gagement of t h e i r dan iter,' Alison Louise, to Charcý Oizn Sethness, son of Mr. andl Mrs. Walter D. Sethness of Wuelu The ivedding will take place iin the early fali. Miss B urge attend- ed Oberlin college and the Fran- Deferred Wedding Is Solemnized at High Noon JuIy-8 The wedding of Miss Genevieve Muench, postponed fromn June 29. because of the serious illness of the bride's father, was held last Sa tur- dajy, July g, at high noon'i St. Francis' Xavier church, the Rev. Martin D. McNamlara performing. the ceremony. ThVe bride is the daughter of Mr. and'Mrs. Walter J. Muench, 82Q Chestnut avenue, and the bridegroomn, Thomfas J., Madi- gan, the son of Mr., and Mrs. Dennis Madigan of Chicago. Four smnall white bouquets and two very large ones of lilies,: gladi- oli, and larkspur, against a back- ground o! cibotlumn fern, accented here and there with white tapers i tanl eatwelabra, dýecourted t1he altar of St. Francis church for the cere- mony. Immediately following, in- stead o! the wedding breakfast orig- Inally planned at Shawnee Country club, a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. Although Mr. Muensch is improv- ing and expects to be able to return home frorn St. Francis hospital in a short time, he could not be present for his daughter's wedding, and the bride was given in marriage by her sisters of the bride, Miss Virg Snorf of Wilmette and Miss Mý etta Crosthwait of Bloomington, in 1937. His le gai f rat ernit y is Phi Delta Phi. Engagement Announced. While They Are in East While they wer.e ini the East r( cently, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel At gustus Fuller 111. 78Robsrnh~t r Is Enga'ged shirreci Val lace. The train was full, the bodice molded, and the neckline square. A flngertlp veil fell from -a rectangular halo design- ed of "Val" lace especially to match the dress, and she carried white orchids lihues of the 'valleyan Stephanotis. Her attendants, Mrs. John L. ýKel- logg, Jr., o! Wilniette, sister o! the bride and matron o! honor, and the bridesmaids, Mrs. James J. Muench of Wilmette and Mrs. Morgan C. son, Jr., son of William LaCosté cester, Mass. Coste Neil- ilannery is hiere visiting9 her son, andi Mrs. Dr. Marvin Flannery of Evanston. ýon Of Wor- Mrs. Van Wie recently moved to Evanston from South Orange, N. J. Circle Ouf ing The next meeting o! the, Eleven- Hundred Block circle tàkes place this month, at the summer home of Mrs. William K. Yates at Lake. Geneva. Hostess fo Club Mrs. John Boylston, 1302 Çhestnut avenue, entertained the seven metu- -eso! her- card club at luncheon a t Shawnee Country club on Mon- day.