-Beers, 814 Grove streét, returned *recently from Washington, D. C., where they went to attend the wed- ding of their, son, John, and. Miss Marianna Hill of, Washington,, or June 26., On the way, home they .tupped in Richmond,. Va., to visil theHorace W. Smiths. and then mo*- tored west through the mountair country, of Virùginia,. West Virginia. and North Carolina. Miss Nancy Millicent deBeers. whodrove east withher parents to be a bridesrnaid in the ,vedding, left from Washington by train for Cun-- mington. Mass., to study art this summer at the Playhouse in the HiIlis, a 'center for the arts of mu- Sic. and drama. as NNell as painting and sculpture. Franklin deBeers, Jr., who was his brother's best man, preceded his parents home by train. During i-i absence his -wife an~d their baby son, Franklin deBeers III, occupied the deBeers home in Glencoe. They rerained. tiere as the guests of thýe senior deBeers family until after the Fourth of July, when ail three re- turned to their home in Chica go. To July Calendar TIhe North Shore Country club satsthat it is "divin g into the month of. JuIy with a splash of aàc- tiiy"for next Tuesday. it's a splash Party for aduits onfly. From 7:30 o'clock on, the pool will be. closed to youthful swimmers, -while grown-up members will splash and swim at wiIl. A hot barbecue dinner miWi le served from, steam, tables at the side of the pool. Thursday will be devoted, as usu- al. to a bot buffet dinner. The. next weekly dance on'Satur- day Will mark "Fiesta night." Un- der gay. lanternis on the' outdoor terrace niembers and guests will dance while Joe Rudoiph's brches- tra carnies them back to '401d Se- Ville." A tango and rhumba exhibi- tion will be given, too, by profes- sional dancers. On Ladies' day, Tuesday of this week, Mrs. John P. Dawson of Win- netka won the Class A low net event; Mrs. W. F. Lucke of Chi- cago, Class B; Mrs. Allen Sauter, also of Chicago, Class C; Mrs. L. R. Sams of Evanston, Class D. The putting contest was won by Mrs. H. H. Wolf of Wilmette. On Tuesday, Mrs. Andrew D. Col- lins of Evanston entertained at lunceon Mis . John T Lt.Trntçhlin Mrs. Ray T. Johnson, of the sanie city, liad as luncheon guests -Mrs. William Taylor, Jr., Mrs Godfrey Schroeder, and M iss Élsie Pierson. Here fo Enter.Tournamenf The R. Chester Wallings, 63$0 Greenleaf avenue, had as their guests last week-end Mr. and Mrs. Moffett Photo Miss Anne Colton Daiýghaday, daughter of the Hamilton Daugh- adays of 644' Spruce strect, is spending the sum mer at homne, preparing for her debiit,,Se ptcim- ber 9. Like lier older sister, Har- riet, she will be presentedI at a lea at the home of her uincle and Clara MacCGowan Is Reelected to HFead N.E.A. Art Croup .Clara MacGowan, assistari fessor of art at Northwester, versity, was reelected presic, Pro- Mrs. A. H. Witzleben, Jr., r road, Kenilworth; spent Reelected Plan Farm Picniç The. North Shore Friends of the' sChicago junior school are giving a .i picnic supper, Saturday. July 29, at î 5 o'clock. at Foxwood farm, St. tCharles' Ill., the beautiful summer home of Mrs Porter Fox'. vThis picnic is anticipated with a great deal of plea sure by those who attended thÉ picnic held there last summer. There wiIl begames, 'such as bad- minton, shuffle board, and croquet, also a tour of. the. farm, Outdoor. dancing' is planned'for the evening. Miss Nancy Fox wviIl act as host. ess to the sons and daughters. of mem.bers,.who are cordially in vited to attend. Each 'couple is to bring its otvn picnic supper. Beverages will be served. A special price is made for. chul- dren in the admission fee, which, for aduits, is nominal The proceeds will help mnaintain the scholarhips for boys at the Chi- cago Junior school. This school wvas founded in 1913, and is supported by 'various groupsinterested in provid- ing a better education for boys, and -to establish and maintain a home and school for boys, and to inspire them ith ideals of right living." tl. Mrs. Carey Orr, 225. Woodbine. avenue, with her daughter, Cherry Sue, recently spent a few days in Detroit, Mich., visiting ber older, daughter, Mrs. E. Horace Cook <Dorothy Jane Orr>, and grandson, Horace III. Ten days ago, Cherry Sue was at -Lawsonia, Green Lake, Wis., as the guest of Shirley, Gar- nett of Evanston. Miss Orr, who is to niake her debut at, Christmnas tu-e, has been home only a short time from abroad. For eight months she traveled in Germany, Switzer- land and England, and studied art Co. Howard W. Hodgkins, 431S Abbotsford road,, Kenilworth,* is I leaving Sunday to spend two weeks at Fort Sheridan 'as a cornmanding G officer of the 531st Post Artillery. a r Miss Mac- in the Can- . 1 of Mvrs. Mvarx' sister, Mrs. H. S. Lovejoy of Janesville, Wis., and from there to Phi1adeIphia to visit their son-in-law and daughter, 'Dr. and Mrs., Robert Layton. M. de-