ing back on" JuLly 28 is the dat. Helmer-Adair Wedding The dlance is sponsored by th~e AII g Young People's clubs of St. Francis &Fêy VYiIDBe uUiy 22 Xavier and St. Athanasius parishes, StudyJly2,stob th of Wlmete nd vansonresec-wedding day of-John Adair, son of tively.. Marykay Jones 309ý Green- M.adMs rhu .Aar 2 leaf avenue, o f the former church., Meirose avenue, Kenilworth, and and Wally Corkarin of the latter are Miss Carolyn..Helmer, d aughter 0 f chairmen. of, the event.. Jim Han-! Mrs. Harold Helmer of Pineý Lake,. ley of 827 Chestnut avenue, Wilmette 1Wis.,.adSnAtno ea. is in charge.-of the sale of "bids,"1 , an SnAtooexs for this vicinïiy.. Serving on. the pro~- Teceeo iil eprfre gra an pulicty ommttes ae t 4:30 o'clock i n t h e. Unitarian Bill Krippes of 1112 Sheridan road, j corechinMlake hr ilb and Frank MtcCallý of 1062 Lindennorcpon avene,, ilmete.Mr. Adair wil have his younger avene,, Arthur. for 'his best man. Both clubs have . been gathering an r.Gog Mner fMl advetismcns t filtheproramwaukee, sister of the bride, is to book, a feature of the event. The'srea the matron of honor. list of patrons. also %vill be 'au- The, youngcul r omk knowiedged,. Merchant advertisers1 their home. in Afin Arbor, Mich. are assured of wide publicity wvhile Mr' Ada jr completes his work through this book since it will be for a doctor's degree at the Univer- distributed to coup~les from ail aloin, sity of Michigan. the North Shore. The' Penthouse Prance is to be held again on the Orrington hotel Roof garden. There wiil be danc- Roge r Barref Engaged ing both in the ballrorni and on the. starlit roof adjoining. To Milwaukee Girl Eddie Barrett and his orchestra will furnish the music,.'"as» you like Judge and Mrs. August Braun of it pleasing both "jitterbugs and Milwaukee have announced the en- ickies," the commnittee states. gagemnent of their daughter, Nancy The "bids," reasonablv priced, Neilson Braun, to Roger Watson may e prehsedeiter romanyBarrett, the son of Mr. and Mrs, mnember of the comn-nittee or at the, Oliver R. Barrett of 623 Abbotsford door. . road, Kenilworth. Miss Braun is a This discount applies to ail Malay Cane, Furniture now in stock. The pieces iriclude chairs etecas longue 'and s mall tables for porcêh, terra ce or sunroom. Seldoém bas th is type of furniture been redu ced s al in the season. An oppgrtunity for -early shopperis. I TE BUEPARROT 1551 Sherman Avenue Evanso AIR CONDiTI-ONED for COMFORTABLE SHOPPING OPEN THiURSDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK