Opera Guiki .Work Cool green and pleturesque are the invitations whlch have been sent out bY the Minois Opera gulld an- nouncmng a "Grand Garden Fete and Fiesta,"ý on the Harry Mclnitosh estate, 1130 Northi-£heridon, road, Lake, Forest, Monde, July 17, at 3 o'clock. The three beautiful rose gardens on. the place will lend themàelves charmingly. as a background- for "«The Makipg of Opera," in panto-. mime, w i t h music, Lithuanian dancers, and, ballet. Mrs. Robert V. Trusdell of Evanston is the auth- or and director of the "mime." The hostesses of the Illinois Opera guild will, be very happy to wel- corne its members and their friends to the fiesta program and tea next Monday, they announce. Acting as hostesses for the event are: Wimette andl Evanstn-Mrs. Louis A. Suekof, Mrs. Charles Wrlg- ley, Mrs. Rollin Clark, Mrs. Carl Dunn, Mrs. b)ryden Eberhart., Winnetka-Mrs. L. E. McCauley, Mrs. Hill Blackett, Mrs. Norman H. Pritchard, Mrs. Mark Cresap, Mrs. Barnett Faroil, Mrs. Norman Cop- thorne. Glencoe-Mrs. Walter C. Hughes, Mrs. Richard Weh. IIrs. Want-vr Highland Park-Mrs. Walter H1. Baldwin and Mrs. 'L. Louis Cohen. ChiCago-M r s. Albion Hedburg, Mrs. E. A. Leight, Mrs. R. Town- send McKeever, Mrs. Hayden Har- ris, Mrs. Edward J. White, Mrs. A. H.Winston,.Mrs. J. L. Kellogg. Oak Park-Mrs. Henry Stout and Mrs. Louis Yager. bla, MO., WUi gather in the Grand ballroom of the Stevens hotel Sun, day morning. July 16. for their an. nula breakfast with Presideni Wood. Whew Dr. James Madisoni Wood became president 'of Stephens col- lege in 1912 the, student body num.- bered 52.. During his -admiistra- tion of the now 106,year old college for women th e student body has expanded to 1,575, the building from 3 to 25, and the> educational influence from, local to internation- al. The four Alumrnae organizations in the,,Chicago area constitute the largest Stephens alumnae groupi ng in the United States.- Miss Annabel Buik of Maywood is. president of the Afternoon club. Mrs. Samuel KIas- stormer and Miss Dorothy Wyatt of Chicago, are chairmen of the Cen- tral and-Dinner clubsa respectIvely. The Patrons' club, composed of fa- thers and mothers of Stephens stu- dents, is headed by Mrs. Lester B. Converse of Hinsdale. Reservations are being received by J. Scott Hemry, 227 Main street,. Evanston, the local representative of the collège. New Trier Township and the North Shore will be represented by a large group. Having com pleted their honey- ,Moon, a motor trip. through the West, Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Roth (Mat garet Moore) are now at home in Oakland, Calif. Their wedding took place iast month in Evanaton, the formner home of the bride. The bridegroom is a Be HeId et Arden Shore on Monday Several hundred woxnen, includ- ing members:of the board of Arden tShore camp- and, others inteÇrested, in the camp, will gather. on Mon- day, Julyr 17, for the annual .board *picnic. at. the camp. Thepiicnickers bringtheir own -lunches but are pro- vided with cofiee, by the,,camp. This year's. picnic will be enjoyed. fromn the vnae, of new picnic tables and'benchies provided by the various, niorth, shore village committees. Follow ing luncheon ai fr esco'un- der the trees, the campers, five hun- dred mothers and children strong, present stunts. illustratig t h e i r camp. activities.. Two thousand mothers, and children of aIl ages are given two week, vacations at the, camp during the summier season. Mrs. Robert B. Gregory is hôn- orary president of the Arden Shore association, and Mrs. John E. Davis of Glencoe is president. Mrs. Er- nest H. Freeman is chairman of the Wilmette committee of the associa- tion and M4rs. Leon T. Ellis is Ken- Alworth chairman, Mrs. Thaddeus R. Benson is Winnetka ichairman.. Plantation Party on, ...- - jAI-utllrearauouniL club heralding the news of the Plan- Itation party the club is having Sat., urday night of this week. "Aunt Jemîma" is to be there in, person to serve pancakes. "Patt3ý Cake"~ will be there in pigtails, arcl red ribboii, to dance for the 'memi- bers and guests. Plantation srong5s: will add entertamnment for the event which will include a real Southera style fried chieken dinner. Favors in keeping with the occasion will be return a vîsit hçrc. Gamr Lakte weeic therm