WIDI VARiUatY 0FFOOD LUNCfIgONuso MUSIC NIG*MY lu'Eeuff.sPb."@ cCORMICK, BOU L. AT MAIN ST. 100f GrpARDEN4 b. H.w Opeu NEWLY, DECORATEb BENNY OIIGOLL AND M,1 'CASINO BOYS Choie Liq.ors 'et Pperpir irc.s Announcements Deily aveu ýSfafioft WCFL Nil« Conter -212 - H. A. Ami Sthern, 'Robert Young and Ruth Hussey as they appear inî "Maisie" trnder the direction of Edwin L. Marin. IMacMurî'ay 0on Diet. '-idercover Docior' During 3-Day Fight Is New Fili Titie MacMurra' and the young east- ern heavyweig-at prv*d e the thrill-. ing boxing ma1tib that climaxes Paramount's "Invitation to Happi- ness,"- For three days Producerý. Director .Wesley IRuggles kept the gladiators before four cameras whule they slugged the daylights out of each other i the ring at the Hollywood Legion Stadium. As every boxing fan knows, no fighter takes solid food on the, day of a battle. tf wnn't unpr -zi+1 Reaeri 6 50 lja11gWit the unethical and il- legal prac tices of phlysicians aIlied with criminals, "Undercover Doc- tor," based on an original st 1ory by J.* Edgar Hoover, features Lloyd Nolan, J. Carrol Naish, Janice Lo- gan, Heather Angel and Broderick Crawford. Produced under the su-, pervision of the Paramnount general manager's office, "Tjndercover Doc- tor" was directed by Louis King. ontt E bdrisclhManager 100 AD THE