Wibuette Board to Proceed Slowly in Preparing Annexa-. lion Or4inanee G overnor Henry Horner on Tues- day signed, the Weber bill, passed by the state legislature,, which makes possible the annexation of No. Man's Land. to Wilmette or Kenilworth. The law thus being placed on the statute books, President> Harry C. Kinne of Wilmette states that the Village board wili immediately proceed with plans for the annexa- tion of the area, the. village of Kenilworth flot -being interestied in acquiring it. No Rasty Action 5 The matter will undoubtedly corne up~ for discussin at thei next renia' lar meeting of the board on next Tuesday, July 18, but reports that definite action will be taken at thatý time are unfounded. An ordinance must first be written and carefully considered, maps prepared, and* other legal requirements complied withý The earliest date on which an annexation ordinance. could be conveniently passed would be the first Tuesday i August. Law May bce OIillenged While most. of the proprietors of substantial businesses in No Man's. Land signed a petition for annexation, it is rumored that its actuality rnay be delayed pending a test of the law in the courts. As No Man's LZandi is not the only area in the state affected by the law, there is possibility that its constitu- tio nality may be challenged. The policy of the Wilmette Vil- lage board is to proceed in the matter with care and caution, with- out alienating the fine cooperation il now enjoys with established comn- mercial interests ithe solution of Entered aos second.class .matter Marcb 8. 1912,get the post officèe t Ylmette, Illinsois, under ths e atoI1Mrch 3. 1879. Iu Mell31939 Parade Nexi ,Monday,, b Herald Wilmette Days *-Gaily Bedeeked Floats t. Tra- verse Village, During Early A. Proclamaition Evening Hours O)fficial recognition of Wil- mette Days, to be staged by Wilmette Chamber of Com- ,xerce Weçbnesday and Thurs- day, July 19 and 20,, has been accorded by thé Village board in the following proclamation by Village President Uarry C. Kine: "The Wilmette Ch amber of Commerce having set Wednes- day, JuIy 19, as the first o! a two-day celebration of Wixyiette Day and havig prepared a program for the afternoon and evening of that date on the Vil- lage Green, at Howard school, therefore -1, Harry C. 'Kinne, president of the Village. of Wilmette, in order. to give ail o! our people an opportunity to participate in the festivities of the occasion, -by the authority vested in me do hereby designate the afternoon of Wednesday, July 19, as a half-holiday. In conformity with this proclamation, the Village offlices will be closed. Ail com- mercial concerns of thie Village are also requested to close for the half-day. iEvervýbodv loves a nargide. :and ýext Monday eve nly 17, a!- ivi ted to enjoy the Parade wlucft has been arranged as an ad vance attraction, or prevlew, of Wlmette Day's celebration to be held Wed. nesday, July 19, and Thursday, July 20, on the Village Green near How- ard school, sponsored by Wilmette Chamber of Commerce. Ferms at 6:15 P.M. The parade, designed to be a stel- lar attraction of the two-day event, has been arranged and wlll be di- rected by !%il J. Hoffmann, chair- mani. He states -thaIthie resporase. of commIercial coricerras to the in- vitation to participate have been be- yond the mosî sanguine expec- tations, and that the parade is al- ready an assured success.' At 6:15 p. m. the, parade will form on the parking lot just west of Wil- mette State bank, on Central ave- nue. In line will be gaily decorated automobiles, feature floats arranged by merchants and service concerns, trucks, bicycles and other entries. * ivity on .:Green Forerunner of Wilmette's great -an- nual two-day midsumnmer celebra- tion, sponsored by. the Wilmettè Chamber' of Commerce and partie!- pated jhi by thou- sands of villagers, will be a colorful a n d interest - i- spiring street pa- - rade, which wlll [point of formation promptly at 6: 30 on Monday eve- ning, Tuly 17, and traverse the prin- cipal s tr e ets f the village. itWif uA herald Wilmette 10 ~ l~1dFrank liavacek on t he Village Green, Wednesday, July 19, from 2 p.m. until 12 midnlght, and Thurmday, July 20, from 7 p.m. until 12, mld- nmght. Baby Parade Feature 'rhe big frolic wifl get under way' promptly at 2 pan. next Wednesday, Initialed by the largest and mo.t beaui4ful group of babies ever asse1m- bled for conipetition ini a baby pa- rade. It is especilDy statecl that there are no regisration requre- menti for 11>1* oitstanidng, evnt-, nm9t1erà and fathers are advlsed that all they have to do is b lie there at 1: 30 with their entrants. Awards w1l be mnade, of course, to add zest to the parade-and to make it an event of prime importance in the lives of the infant winners. Devised especially for the enter- taimnent of youngsters, but available jto oldlsters as well, will be a varlety ' of popular carnival rides and other uIeviesm eakcuated to produce the