t> BE SETTLEDf WHEN SCHOOL OPENS AVAILABLE SEPT. 15 Wilmette- 4 bdrms., 2 bas. ...$8 Winnetka- 5 bdrms.. 2%/ bs. oîl. - $135 (2 blocks,,to New Trier H. S.) Wilmette - 4 bdrmis., -3.,bas.. study. .$150 Furnished or unfurnlshed NORTH, *SHORE REALTY 523 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 81 CHARMING SMALL HOUSE 4, BEDRM4S., 3%' BATHS, LIBRARY, screen peh.. sleepinàg pch. Colonial, bay *winidows. Ail white woodworl. il for bouse, and domestic water. Central Wnnétka location. $135,a month. Avail- able now or Oct. 1. Aiso for rent furn. or for sale. BAUMANN*COOK SU3 Lincoln' Ave. Winnetka 3450. LOWER YOUR RENT P911Mo. frrCL. I'.& ?mNcWlpt. $1,500 cash buys white framne Dutcb colonial. 6 rins. Nr. -L" & lake. TIGHE REALTY CO. 521 Fourth St. Wilmette 3G05., 133LTN1-te WHEN -RENTING A HOME CONSULT a specialist I Ask usa hood, scbools, etc. One summer on high breezy1 8 .rms., 31,à baths. Large a,'month. Ask us gbout t] 517 Davis Street, Hol. 6886 Uni. 688E 576 LINCOL.N. AV., WINNETK,ýA Excellent location- for, photographer, men's furnishings, ladies' -wear, etc. McGUIRE & ORR, Ine. 530 Davis S t., Evanston., Wilmette 228 14OLTNltc FOR DENT - APPROXIMATELY 800 sq. feet, ln store, for. light inanufac- turing or storage. 1129 .Central Ave. Henry P. Darte, sec janitor. 14OLTN9-tfe 144 FOR UALE-APT. D3UILDINGU, IS YOUR LIVING COST TOO HIGH? DELUXE 2 APT., 5 RMS., SUN >& SLP. pchs., water heat 011 burner. 2nd. fi. lesd$60 per mo. lstfi. available now or will lease $60 per. mo. FrOwner Will Trade Frsmall house anld assume smafl mnor'tgage. Fur further details ee 'or- phone TIGHE REALTY CO. 521 Fourtb St. Wilinette 3005. 144LTNlOltc 147& tuIEV* fHOMESFOR S fALE , UËXCEUPT.AT, it ntghbr- ouse. 2 car g irnished for Also recrea. roor in. Glencoe. acre. Ready £or orebes. $200 Price $26,500. Re and others. Southeast corner FULLER & Parkway. AYRE 4ka 3603 -. 1043 or Winn. 664 Thi hom15 siuatdUo1a arg lotUt 51 ~51 0, 15Iin a fine section of Glencoe.. It should be considered by anyone able to own and maintain a property of this type. See the"e and mnanvotber North Shore :ron. erties in our PHOTO-TOUR of HOMES. R. B.'WHITAKER 10Green Bay Rd., Winnetka Winn. 3250 Rogers Pprk 7302 147LTNI.tc 532 KENILWORTH AVE. ALMOST N E W, WHITE WASHED brick French home near everything. 5 bed. 3!2 bs., paneled den, game room. Lge. sc. pcb. $32.500! 1063 CHERRY ST., WINNETKA Adorable, bungalow type, white home, on beautifullv wooded cor, lot. 1 bed, & b. on lst. fi. 2. bed. upstairs. Den & se., pcb. Ownerq have bought largèr home. and will sel for $8.000. Might con- sider rening 'for $70 per mo. 509 JACKSON. GLENCOE *Even the most eritical will find charm here in this Eniglish home. Near Skokie Country Club. Unusually attractive stu. die iv.- rr., 4 Ige., bed.ý 3 tle tit., iM1fst. nk., 2nd. fi. small study. 011 bt.. 2 gar. Reduced to $22.000! Owners also might rent for $150 per me. Sec SEARS REAL ESTATE Exclusive Agent 421 Richmond Road Kehilworth 5288 147LTN1-ltc WINNETKA. $10.500 Wbi. Dutcb Col. 4 bed. 2 baths, on nice lot. Neighborhood of cblidren. WINNETKA. $15.000 Col. 5 bed. 21V2 bath§. Lovely porch olooks garden. 'Close te new school. ES & CO. Evanston 6 - Wil. 1660 14'ILTNIO-Itc Open Sunday, July 9, 2-5 ,915 Shabona Lane INDIAN HILL ESTATES WHITE-WASHED BRICK WITH. SLATE roof. On lovely wooded, lot. In per« fcl condition, bouse b as .5. bedrooms. 3 baths, and will a ppeal to the most discriminatIng. buyer. MRS. FLEMING BAIRD,& WARNER, mei.. 790 Elm- Street. Wnnetka Winn. 2700 or Briargate, 1855 147LI-ltp FOR CHEAP LIVING! Just a. simple. littie home but thoroughly, sàtisfying to the fan-- ily that enjoys a. quiet country- like setting where there are trees and fiowers and plenty of elboNw room. The bouse bas 6 pleasant> r6ooms,,lovely porches; taxes and beating total only $110* a year, Just off Hibbard Rd. Price $7.500. SMART & GOLEIE, INC. 1604 S8hermnan Ave. Wih'nette 2486 147LTN1-ltc FIRST TIME OFFERED In beautiful northeast Wilmette' - 1 Charming and dignified Colonial type home, that bas oftcn been ad-> mired - Large living room, libr ary unusually attractive garden porch- 5 family bedrms., 2 baths. Mds. rm. and ba.-100 ft, Iot-with'towering elms and oaks - Truly a home to be proud of - Offered at $21,000 - Might trade for larger house with spacious grounds. Exe. Agents., QUINLAN & TYSON, Ine. 1535 1.ai1d UVe., 'M 1%', baths, new où bi Being completely ré near sebools, cbwcl Wnnetka 2542. M 2-4:30 DAILY. tte; 4 bcdrms., r. 2 ser. prehes. inside and out, and trans. $75. 133LTN10.ltp 5 DM. ýHOUSE AND 2 CAR GARAGE in southern Winnetka. Near schools., ]Large yard.' Call Winnetka 1630 evenings and Sundays.' 133LTI-tp CAPE COD HOUSE-7 ROOMS. MOD. ern convenienoes on small estate, Ad- 845 VERNON AVE.. GLENCOE Unusual bouse. unusual value, xnany artistic features not usually found. Beau- tiful secluded garden and close to trans- portation. 1152 HAMPTONDALE. WINNETKA White clapboard, blue trim. quiet se- cluded street. Near school and trans. 2 screened porches overlooking landscaped garden. Will also rent. Immediate occu- pancy. ANN MORELAND, 667 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 305 NEA KEILWRTHSTATION Beautiful brk. borne. 6 bcd. 4V2 baths, Pan'ld libr.. recr. rnt, loVely pches. Large grounds, 10w up-keep & taxes. 1Make us an offer ELEANOR V. V. WINSLOW, GRE. 4042 120 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, l47LTN10O4tc DEERFIELD 65 acres of high, rolling land loc'ated in the Village limits. struction - brick and stone, cop- per and beavy slate. Breakfast room, den, 5 bedrooms, 31 2 baths, 2 car garage, fine loca. tion. One of ouar 'Best Buys"e at $25,000 - Terms or trade -,Cal> Mr. Boyer. SHORE-TOWNS REALTY CORPORATION 163Chicago Avenue. Evanstor Gre. 2700 Wil. 608 Rog. Pk. 6636 147LTN1O-ltc Ut 1 LUJNUALUWC al] ,$75.00. SHORE-T( RR, I..co Wil. 228. 1603 Chicago A >e. Glencoe 13. Gre. 2700 ,Rc 136LTN10-ltc 530 716 1 ---£ ,I.d à x a Boyer 1569 Sherman Av. Evanston. Unîv. 777 SREALTY *17T1-t MION 7 BOOM WILMETTE IIOME; 4 BDRMS. Evanston. oul heat, I1,1 batbs. glazed porch,. 6636 Wil. 608 storni windows. Ph. Wlmette 4919. 147LTN1-te 147LTN1O04tp It us to OIT' 0. MRS. FIT Inc. WVINN. I47LTN1O-ltc I or1