The contest is based on the best Ev>eryone has, seen the outside of sition for the local fleet was gained Hersch Howell;s, while Virginia selling stor~e dlsplay and prizes will a heating bolier.. Now, at the New by A. M1. Andrews' "Hi Ho." which Whîttier, versatile songstress, con- be awarded on photographs or snap- York World's. Fair, everyone has a came. in second. but as a tributes richly ýto a well-rounded shots taken of -thebest eleven store chance to sèee ins'ide the business whole nanaged to outsail their evening's entertainment. displays. Professional photogra- part of, a boiler, see live steam. coipetitors. There is. dancing nightly at the phers are -barred and each storeis bubbles formned by heatadrs erszs unu oe adn Iited, to three photographs or uP through the w a te r. into the TeSa ls a he ae snapshots during the contest, but steam chamber. This Kewanee boîl-ovrtewk-ninherelmn-LAVS OR RIN a or oe piew.'b w rd d t r i h x ibt i t e A eia tion series. Twenty-hree boats went W illiam B. W alrath, Jr., ilder, a store.Radiator and S t a n d a r d Sanfitary out 'Saturday afternoon, the, best golfer,. leaves, to take pbsns Th c nte AS ISPot b Tse on lht O p atio n uldn o he A en e trnout yet tis year, to sil a 12- position in theé Oient. Friends of ris aledMAnSSDPAY The only f Pa riots mile race in a fine northeast breeze., this well known and poiin reqirmetsnecessary are tliat Tebie n display is exactly Woodie Pirie won. lsl oloe mtu oîfr rer rient each display must contain. a total o the same type bolier which is used byte terb others in "Ste datta o e er tla at.least five.cases and that at Ieast for heating homes. But glass eep'Fthi. t"aTed Mroteadein "Ltie ath wlfotravfew.the r vî1leaesof toproducts .be included in the dis- hoe bove and below, the -water ýAudrey. ' emthn ofsht ihhm i play.' Une allow -one- to see exactly what.The Otters wnoluhday moring's person Pictures or snapshots must be h appens inside. rc ihPrescnand, onn M Pro.Waatisnwothwy submitted- to Wllia m Jensen, North Th jtr fti ephole boi' Sunday afternoon, Pirie- led the fleet acrss th aiic t oun theort- Shore representative of the Welch er iS înterstîng. Yearsagoleo Gaar Grape Juive company, 'fot later more of what happens inside, Ke- ome, , inollowed by Charle s Gai- ant executive Post for one of Amer-ý A-wanee built similar glass peep-holes lwayJr.,an enkipat".Piie is n ica' s big oil companies. than Wednesday, August 2. A-into boilers in order to study them nn upa evible record this, cpomsstomth noheiemteutiofgtheIl prite Winnersâ te ar,, the result offrst rate searnan. fwvr eprnss4 ac inthirtstnglboatry s t-ship and a fast boat, his. golf card from abroad with his will be published during the week: suit, many improvements in boiler Kide1flo lyes'n cryo ofAgs .design were worked out. Arrow Class Races ' a kind 'of remote control competi- Eleven Arrow class boats sailed t1 ion, n osh ilntmr in frma ]IIotnn-c a seven-mile race over a trianigularhi score 'in Chinese characters so uq~i~course Saturday, Bill Magie in ias to confuse the local boys. EfCTI "Merenie" and Jack Manierre in _______ %gJ:flqD1N r To M aIrk rrogram o O Zéphyr" finished in that order. MIL.VIL.8C. RAMFirst place in the Arrow races has ARRANGE GOLF TOURNEY 730 .LM ST Theta Upsilon Rho gone each -week to a resident- The third anrxual golf tournarnent WINNET^ 27P of Maple street, Winnetka, and sec- and outing of the Bruce Parsons 1The members of Theta Upsilonjofhd place has only been off MalnTe a;Pev e, ofthe Mt2i npnp.f T1 f Rhfo decided. to continue theiri'regu- REAL ESTATE, LOANS 4 1/2% 'N. Cemmasalon on Prrferred Loews a1program, wil be heldt\,"%iiNtar-L. M. 'i'rie ........2:16:26 Ujames B. Urowley, li17IRogers av-, with aporm ilb ed while Ste Fetchit-Otter brothers. ..2:17:55 enue, Kenilworth, chairman, an- the other meetings will be informai Litle Audrey-T. E. Meade '..2:17:56' nounces. In 'addition to golf and a parties Skipt-C. Galloway Jr .......... 2:19:31 dinr hr ii ehrehe n Mmescneatatth Wi-Glider - Bingham.Clay ......... 2:20:20 inr hr il ehrehe n ý""r.'ersconregte t- he il-No. 1861-John Pirie............. 2:21:31 softbail. mette Methodist Church at 6 o'clock phantom II-Fred French...... 2'23:*29 for ashort devotional service' led Doiphin -EernRam d. .2:5:6 by one of the members, and then Sagitta - Bradbury brothers .. ..2:25,:35 GO TO CANADA adjur toth prtysie.Carol - Elliott-Gos.......... 2:26:00 Mr. and M rs.Waac Mthe, Las Snda, hemeein ws SarGaer - E. M.,Goodman..;.2:26:58 1707ell Las' Suday themeeing wasTwinkle Ditto-Hayford-Jones _. 2:28:14 10 Lake -avenue, are leaving Fri- called -t order ini the auditorium Ariel-Cari Johnson ............ .2:ý28:34 day to vacation for two weeks at of the Methodist church, an MssFlit-H M. Strong............. 230:10 the Lake.'of-th-od i aaa M'SSnort 'R. M. Brown........... 2:32:121 Last week-end Mrs.Micelads Carol .Youngberg, pianist, presented iLeprechaun - W. B, Cudahy .. .. 2:35:291 icelhda modern, sçmni-classicai, and classi-iFram-Don Bergman.......... 2:35:331 hem guest kaer cousin, Miss Frances IA: club av'oIt ulCULb pahr. week assumed--a-half-interest -izn Rocky 'Mountain brook TMese two gentlemen, both some- Shomty Bightweîî's well kn ow n Young pheasant. Aftem what abbreviated in stature, but establishment, nockout floor show will long on expert tonsorial service, So, iW's stili .Shorty's Barber Shop ceedings. have been pals in unofficial capacity - except that we'll be obliged. entry is repor'ted by the for Io, these many years. It remain- henceforth, to employ the plut-al, 3. ed for the fine friendship to blossom possessive. VL tiLitC. ;îvýuuum > nenent Lire