Authorixed, Wilmette 535 and 536 KOORSALES3 FORD - MERCURY 8 -,LINCOLMN ZEPHYR, 435.7 GREEN 'BAY ROAD xxii ~i F;'FvE Dealers Used Cars, With a Written Gutarantee 'Like- a "HOMEI" With t'he BasesFl Your coal mon.y scores the highest value when you buy during the summer months. NOW prices are Iowerl NOW quality is bighestl NOW deliveries are I the finest grades of Coal and Colkei the sizes you require. And every ton is guaranteed fo give you complet. satisfaction. Buy your Coal on Approval. NOWI TELEPHONE OUR SERVICE DEARTMENT ~nsùiersmpany. COAL- FUEL, 0Q1L-IC E Phoes:Wilett 130 -Winnetka 3386 -Giencoe 7 WE HAVE -SE RVED. THE N.ORTH 'SHORE-FOR OVERA UNI VERSITY 7700 - DRIARGATE 3838 Q U AR TERI 0F A C E.NTUR Y