Uin Winuw* 9flctcâ.WILUMI CONPIECTIONIRy Jual; West:.1 Bumk Patronnze our adverfisers W'e Maie. theBeat chaop Suey nTw Whby- Cook Hot, Niglits? Take. Chop Suey Homne TAI LEE Chhaese Chop Suey Kitchen 111GH GRADE CHINESE DISHES TO TAXE HOME Plenty of Mushrooms, Bean r Sprouts, Vegetables Quality Fresh Lean Meat ton. Tney are Ernest. Cramer, 1212 Sixteenth street,. Wilmette, and Dr. Leonard Munson, 603 Main. street, Evanston, both members of Evans- ton Post No. 42. The American Legion,. and William N. Edwards, 42 2 Greenleaf .stréet,, Evanston, a mem.ber of- Chipily Post No. 310. Other members. of' the reunions committee are AI: G. Grant,- 8018 Evans avenue, Chicago, a, member of te.l4th Engineers Veterans. as- sociation, and D. E.. Benjamin, 4116 West .Monroe, streeto, a pa st c om-, mander of Northwestern Post. AUl have been: active ini American Legion and miitary affairs for mnany y!ears. Major McNeil, who lives at 1127 Columbia avenue, Chi- Adjutant General's department, Ill- Fig r rn rp nois Natiornal Garcd, end, wil ieave pr rn r p shortly for thbe annual state nap ment of national guard rosa North Shore Yuh Camp Grant. Rockford. Albert Zeivel, 18 y'ears old, whoý Besides bis duties as a member gave his address as 730. Locust road,, of the reunions committee. Ed- Wilmette,' and who is held at the wards, former iquadron comman- Lake county jail i Waukegan with der in the Spruce Production divi- three companions on a charge of sion, wilI attempt to shape his. for- armed robbery, confessed, last Fri- mer comrades into a permanent or- day night, according to the Winnetka ganization, holding its, first reunion police report, that he and his pals since Armistice Day, 1918, at the had entered the Lorraine garage in Legion convention. Hubbard Woods on the night of, Maurice Photo V:Tgimia AuVer, coûtTalto, will be the. goloist ,rnth the Ilflnoîs Sy.mphonv vorchestra ýat the WUe- mette amtphitheater Wednesdam evenmng, July 19. She ta- a fat' orite with Chicao Sundav Eve- nrng club patTos.. ApproveslBus LUne One lone voice, that of Arthur Lee, 925 Manor drive, was raised in defense of the proposed bus line', although flot in support of. any par- ticular route. Hie pointed out that efforts to geta station, of the Skokie Valley; une of the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee electric rail- Way at. Lake, avenue had corne to naught, and that somne public trans- portation must precede the develop- mient- of the largetracts of vàaant real, estate in the far western part of the village. Just so long, he as- serted, as, public transportation is not available,- dèeeopmnent of the. area will be retarded. The board took no officiai action on the question,, although Village PresidenttHarry C. 1inne indicated to the residents .tGireenileaf ave- nue that they might consider thern- selves safe from bus intrusion. Transportation Need Seen Immediately following the board meeting and since, Mr. Lee's posi- tion on transportation has been en- dorsed by many well-informed vil- lagers. Others expressed the ern- phatie opinion, that there is need for a bus line to serve ail sections west of Ridge road, and which wil deliver its passengers at the elevated terminal at Fourth street and Linden avenue at single fare c,,,t. However, they stated no nref- chop Suey.... Chow Memn (Fine Cut) 45c qt.mer ho 45c~ 1 oskey, « 70cL imette at the Whiteside sum. iorne-at Walloon Lake at Pet. Mich., for a week. j b a uu uu nirance. Te Y outh -s - w er ý unable to open the cash register an Claini Kilner Chidren the garage proprietor reported that The three children of -Mr. and -nothing was taken. Mrs. F. R.. Kilner, 430 Sheridan, The four, the police added, have road, Kenilworth, are ail vacation- admitted to holding up a tavern in ing in various parts o! the country. Lake county on June 29, and were Joan' is 'spending the summrer at arrested by the Glencoe police as a Timnberline ranch near' Vernon, result o! a radio alarm. Ariz., and Richard is at Camp They were photographed and fin-1 Kooch - I - Ching at International gerprmnted by the Winnetka depart- Falls,' Mirin., for the season. ment and connected with the Lor- Fred, along With a cousin frôm