Dedication of Isle Royale as al S;turday morning from a three- national park, whieh was scheduled and-one-half-week mator trip wèst. for this summer but has been post- Accompanied by Mrs. Olar's sister- poned until next year, has served ta in-law, Mrs. M. Y. Oilar of Cn-' focus attention on this magniificent,,. cinnati,, they. traveled to Bryce.and primitive island, accordin to E.: j Grand canyons, -Zion aina ak Goebel, traif i passenger manager then drove to Boulder dam, and on of the Georgian Bay line. to Beverly, His, Cal., where, they Mr.- Goebel reports that passen-vsie Mr. iars itr.Fo gers takipq the cru ise on, the sw. ,there they went to Hollywood and Alaamav~ichstps t IieRoyleLas Angeles to visit Mr. Olar's an.its run between Buffalo, -Cleve- relatives, ta San Francisco and the land, Detroit. and'Duiuth are. prim- 1 n oSna abr n ..arily.interested in information a bouti.oeof the.missions., the island. Contains1300AceOf 'Few people, even in Michigani, O er fine Vaca tion realize"that this island is the largest Flicoht to 'Western Points between Long Island, and P u g e t M Sound," stated Mr. Ggebel. ".It is CUnusually attractive summer va- approximately 44 miles long,, with :cation ýfights are now> being offered an average width of 5 miles, or ap- by United Air Lines ta points on the' proximately 132,000 a c r e s. There West coast., Enroute to California, are 24 inland lakes totaling 7,880 one-dayr stopover is provided at Yelb acres. lÎwton e ational Park, . comprising "It is undoubtedly one of the most a scenic light from Sait Lake City primneval stretches of land on the ta West Yellowstone, thence by tour- .North American continent and be- ing car to the principal geyser ba- cause of its unspoiled c o n d i t i o n sins, stoppin~g at "Old Faithful" for serves as a perfect textboak for sci- luncheon. Returning to Salt Lake entists and students. This primeval City in the èvening, the regular state is undoubtedly due ta the fact fight resumes, either ta Las Ange- that the rugged formation of mosS les or San Francisco. Eastbound re- and forest-covered mass of gigantic turn trips alsa provide for a stop- rocks have prevented men f r a mn Boulder Dam. stripping the forests. _________ Kept in Primitive State "Representa tives of the National Winnetkans on Motor Park Service of the Department af the Interior,. whiçh will take overi Journey in thse Wes the park and throw it open ta the For the past two weeks' Lester public after the land acquisition has Cushing Rogers, 340 Woodland ave- been completed this y e a r, have nue, Winnetka, and his three stated that the Isle Royale will e, daughters, Nancy, Lucile, and Bar-' kept in its primitive state. It will bara Ellen, have beeri motoring in be- a park withaut roads, without California. They visited in IXolly- automobiles and without s a d d 1 ej wood, Yosemite National park,. and horses. the Redwood forest, spent some "Travel will be' by boats and by time at. the San Francisco fair, and * itrgungforest trails, and many, are now driving through Oregon en- of these trails have already been route ta Seattle, Wash. They wîll ,.rniqtiie4ted. Thus c<'nserved by our retùrn by way of Victoria, Vancouv- Albert Ackermann, Jr., and Miss Marciaý Smith, bath. of -Wilm~ette, have returned ta the'North Shore af- ter. being mnembers of aý tour group Which vi sited. thé East. They first, went to Detro it by train, toak the- boat. fromf there ta Buffalo, visited Niagara, Falls, and then entrained for New York, Atantic City, Phila- delpihia, Washington, and homne. While 'in New York they saw ý the fair, and In Washington, saw Con- gress in 'session. IMItS.ISAIEL'J. hUIET .1