has been doing educational mission work in that country since 1914, and ,.as a member of the Rockefeller Foundation, commnission, stuidying conditions ini India. Dr. Heinrich's publications in- cIude a book, based on his Indian studies, "Psychology- of a Suppress- ed 'People." .With his wife, Dr. Heinrich is now on vacation. in Kashmir. He ex.. pects to visit, on the North Shore next summ er. Jack Heinrich, who ýrecently grad- uated at t h e Stonybrook school, Stonybrook. L. I., ,magna cum laude, will enter Oberlin college' in the fall. Miss Martha Helen Heinrich, headi FOURTIRCHiLD Màr. 'and Mrs. W. Austin EIlîmnore of 1231 Greenwood avenue a nnounce the birth of a daughte'r, Susan. She was born at the Evanàton hospital on Monday, and i a short time will be home, wit h the other children, Terry, Joanne, and Jane. Eyvind Laholm ténor, toiU be heard with the: other opera:. stars in the. Ravinia. MusscFetia gala-an eveeing pf Wagner and Strauss-Fridaii, July a8, with Art hur Rodzins ki conducting the. Chicago Symphony orchestra. ments, . etc., will beé a basebali game between the Wilmette coureil and the, Evaniston council of 'the Knights . of Columbus. On, the following Wednesday, which is August 16,, a golf tourney for Newmnanites . and. their: guests, will be held ýat the Wilmhette coun.trýy club. Ailday golflng will be. foflowed by dinner ýand, the awarding of the pýrizes. Robert Canning, sàon of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Can ning of 607 Lake ave- nue, returned. Monday from a %iisit with the Wallace L.. Miller family at their sumnmer home- near Minoc- qua, Wis. 3 issianti wpmu f«u ar -pitUafic, prkoed> TADAD'E COW"(eulr " 'am sIUf.4e $rToIJND (u' prlcd) 19AT- ALL STANDARD OILDEALEIRS. op * 198e