Lemn Ceepndent Northwtern Nationalife JnsuaneComupany HENRY P. KRANSZ COMPANY 29 S., LSaIi. Sfr..1 Randolph 2561 1729 Shermai Ave. Chicago: 4935 Broadway Life Insurance Company live in the vicinity of the North Sho ré, and, the company' s investrnents in this ter- ritory, are enjoying a steady i-.ý c2ease. ýFINE PICTURE FRAMI-NO i Frames Repafred and Regildcàd Paintings Restored University. 0770 Winnetka 5 63 Lincoln Above is illustrated a moclel of a house ýdesigned- by. James J. Gathercoal,,North Shore architect, wvith offices at 1200 Central avenue, Wilmette, and is being ýbuilt on Park .place, Evaànston, for the Kenneth Whites cf Evanston. Mr. Gathercoal, who has. been theCoîetc tN iv architect for niany North Shore lollète t,,,tv,. homes, is now employing the use OfP ehs fmodels as an additional service t eli se LHomii li his cientsso tht the Vrelllege more clearly visualize their homes C~oll1CCLcue L îlg before construction begins. Irvin A. Blietz, developer of Con-' While Mr. Gathercoal has beeii necticut village. Wilmette, announ- very thorough in his renderings and ethswktesaeoa working drawings of the homes he cdti oktesl fato has built in the past, he finds the use story, 6 room. 21½ bath, Greenwich of the model an exceptional aid to colonial home iii the village .to, Clar- the prospective builder, ho states. eonce S. Tay, Qhicapo n aLye f Makes Detailed Drawings In addition to the rnodel, it is the hrciei Mr. (Gaihecol'n21'cfnfi the Crosley Radio corporation, and tlwreby hangs a tale. a134 iWoodiiandtaei charge for this service,ý is the basis aeu of success in the home building proj- ,for the past 17 years. ect. The complete comprehehsion by~ The pleasant memori the client of every detail that is go- necticut village have beE ing into his hiome before he enters Mr. Tay in his career in into contract f0 build is of first im- West and one day some portance and, secondly, it is vital when ho saw the origina that each sub-contractor understands ment of Connecticut vil completely what ho is going. to do news-magazine he got in before ho present his bid, so that his Mr. Blietz- and dociaro( price will bo keenly competitive. t etofrtrsdn Building a home with these facilities -- residential park which 1 It's the North, Shore's Best "Buy" at $12,500 SMART & GOLE, lue* 1564 Shermnan Ave. Uni. 0283-Wil. 2486 visualize e ue, Wmnneika ries of Con- oen ever with, in the Middle arnonths ago ia announce- iage in this in touch. with d ho wanted tof the new haci iust be- es, if tney couiu LUULyit3 what, they were 1 could be1 Orders TaIefr Autheni~e tts'of-Armgs e,00IE.1894