This isth architect's rendering of the Murray J. Whitfleld home, now under construction on a 100foot lot at,110'Sheridan.,road, Glencoe. 0f Georgian typle architecture, its exteior is of painted brick veneer, wpith a siate roof. The house la to be gas-heated. and will have winter air-conditioning. It will be ready for. occupancy in, the fali. The C. E. Blomgren, Jr. company, Evansto& butlders, were thé designers. Fou~r New Homes hi. Wilmette 'sl Per mas For Week outsi de of a windour admit-only ýabout f251J per cenit. Light colored shades and awn-jI ings admit less, of. the, sun's heat than dark. And ln" desperate cases*, Parker suggests- that, spraying cold water ini the air will. lower the temperature. I TUE TRADE MARK 0F, QUALITY BUILDING DE S IGNI NG FINAN-CING. BUILDING 1225 Central Avenue. Wilmette 456.. READ THE 'ýWANT 4DS