Doggline j0 Insjerti.C _lassifed advertisements will be. cepted, up to Tuesday 9 P. M. for WILMEI92E IFE or ail threec papers; Wednesday 9 P.M. for WInfNETiCAk TALK and ThUrsday 5 P. M. for GLENCOE NEWS. Telepliones: Wlmette. 4300. Wnntka 2000 (Wlnnetka 5W. after (j p. M.). Greenleaf 4300 or Shel. draike 1216-1217.'l. *5 ýSITUATIONS WANTenD-MwN TRUST BANIING EXECUTIVE: - ES-' tâte adminis.trative. As an Offie Man- ager,' Treasurer or Secretary. t.his man will bring his new employer a thorough knowledge' of the entire field of trust procedure and corporate management. His experlence was obtained in one of America's largest banks. Is' also a law- yer. Especially qlualiflcd for. large. real estate firm or- for corporation' contemn- plating: reorganization or merger. ,MEN OVERÉ FORTY CLUB, 41 No. Canal St., Chicago. Referto No. 49. 95LTN412.ltp THREE A-i MEN Day workers-yard cleaning, painting, general repalring. lst class local refer- ences. SHQRJ>NZ EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 746 Elm Street Winnctka 3012 es SITUATIONS WTD-M4gN & WOMEN CAL-L MR. BAKER -FOR Classifled..Domestics THE RIGHT HELP IN THE IGHT PLACE We cover* the North Shore Winnetka 3012 SHORLINE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 746, Elm St. Winnetka 96LTN2lte 97 *IELP WANTEo-WOMUN Donis-tie Hélp With Good Refs. LINDGREN EMPL. AGCY. WINPoETIcA 1047 799 ELM ST 97LTNI-tfc GIRLS-WANTED--GIRLS 3 cooks. *18420: 4 4 enerals. È18-20- la 1928 WNASH SEDAN, EXCELLENT CN. dition. 7 Pa ssenger; reasonable. Suit' able for playground, transportal nec Wilmpette 1405.6.;7 p.m. oafer 8 p. n. 15LTN12ltp 1999 LINCOLN ZEPHYR 4 POOR sedan. Radio, heater; car run nlot over 75 miles, $1200. Private* party. Hay.- Market 7660.. 15LTN12.ltp P L YM OUT H 1933 CONVERTIBLE cou'pe, in Good shape. Priced low..Cali 'Kenilworth 1636, between 6:00-8:00 PýM.. 15LTN1.2Itp 1931 BUICK CONVERTIBLE COUPE. Reasonable price. In good condition. Call Winnetka 3981 aftcr 4 p.m. FOrt SALE-1933 CHEVROLET COACH, Sby wnei'. Low -nileagê; Priee# reân. able. Ph. Wlmette 4093. 15LTN2.Itp 100 WTD. TO UUY-AIIIOMOBILfl 925-931 FOREST.AVE. EVANSTON 4 rms. $57.50; ý5 rms. $75-$80, INSPECTTIIESE ATTRACTIVE WJL located apartrnents today. Wear- lake and transp. and sehool. Sec représenta- tive on the premnises.. BAIRD,& WARNER>, ci.' 522 D)AVIS ST. GE.1855 l2SLTN12-ltc DELIJXE 4 RM. APT.'WITH5 Ru.11 cfflcloncy; acrosa Uic f ront ofan en-, tire wlng. Att. liv. & dl». rmns. wlth i. a-dor Bedrm. takes twln beds; tile bath. etc. New Mage Chef stove & G.E. refrtg. AUl outslde r»>,. Beauiflui Lin- den Crest Bldg. 1 . Iioff - k ff 424 Llznden Ave. Wilmette 5W. 12SLTN12-lte DESIRABLE APA1RTMENTS INii H*AET of Wlnnctka and Glcncoc. 4, 5 and 6 rooms. Overlooklng residentimi arca. 1 with woodburnlng fircplaoe. Cmli Ayres Boal, Jr. Harrison 1043, or Wil. 4=2 oves. 12SLTNl2-ltp 6LTN2-ltp JW.aTMI2-1te [TE, BATH S5 Rm. Modern Apartments mt-garage. IN RUDEfRD WOODS ,ck to Wil- WINNETKA 115 16LTN2-ltp12BL12-ltp L6TN2.tpFOR RENT INi GLENCOE-HEA 1. COOL & 3 or 6 rm. apt. lncludlng sun porch. Iso amaller Handy transportation. Reasonable. Tel. re locted. Highlaind Pk4. 976 aftcr 6 4* e £010'io14 st.. Phone winn. 3012. nings; or fi 96LTN1ý2-ltc_____ HOUSE ANI) YARD MAN WISIEES WA2NTED, permanent position. Also lady to do1 teetui-alc part time Work. References. Uni. 5139. Itcct's assist 96L12ltp B-M3. Box