Llemocracy. Dr. Voegelin is a memn- ber o! ýthe, Institute staff. He. wil speak at 8:.15 i Harris hall omi Tuesday. A second lecture i the samne se- ries xill be presented Thursday evei. ning at 8:15, When Dr. Eugen Als. chlprofessor o! economics at 'the Universityo! Minnesota and àa mem-' ber o! the Institute staff, will speiik on 'RÈecoverýy. under Totalitariani Conditions." Samnuel Selden, ci and direc- tor, will. deliver two lectures i the sehool o-speech on Tliursday anrd Friday, speaking on "Design in Di- recting" and ."The Education of a Director", at 5:30 in the speech aud- itoriUm.. Selden. associate dirietor three one-act plays on Monday and Tuesday evenings in the Roycemore school auditorium. The university theater will present Shakespeare's "Comedy o! Errors," i a four-niglit run beginnmng Wednesday in the speech auditorium.C The Frenchi film, "A Nous la Lib-L erte," will be presented Friday eve- ning i the summer session series of in Gleniew a,,d from the board been appointed coming year. T1his position is 'rant Wood at f >wa, and John Sti rniversit'v of Wis ýsteea of the Uni rig Prof eaaor of t, whorq received as that h, ersait7 fc that o! ity of Ne~w Champ at the Dr. tapp lias had 'a wide exper- lence in the field of labor and aIso in the field of education and social work. For. 10 years he was director of the legislative reference bureau of Indiana, in which capacity he had a large part in framing the legis- lation of the state. He served as director of the Indiana special comn- mission on vocational education and formulated the Indiana vocational plan. Immeçliately thereafter he was appointed by. President Wilson a member of the national commis- Sion on .vocational education, which formulated the Smnith-Hughes voca- tional act. Thereafter,,he was.,dl- rector of the social ýaction.depàrt- mento! the National Catholic Wel- fare conference and, later, head o! the social sciencesdAepa.rtment at Marquette university. In 192M le was elected president of the nation- al, conference o! social work. He was also director o! investigations of th~eQOho commission on. health and old age insurance. -edes Since 1933 he has been connected 1word with labor mediation and arbitra- Le ha: tion, first as director o! the Chicago 'o the regional labor board, chairman of the bituminous coal labor board, next as a member of the petroleum labor policy board, and finally as assistant on labor relations to the administrator of public works. Dur- ing. the last three years he has con- cents mauy visit te artist and dis- cuss, art, its phlosophy and rela- tion to the people. Another afler. moon tliey may watch the artist at his work At other times they may see hlm by appoitment. .Mr. Niechols, a lecturer on art, a designer in the graphic arts and author of a book dealing with the ernotional aspects of art, "A Phil. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Beckstr onof 1518 Walnut avenue are vacationing li Minneapolis for a few weeks. Car Men and the cnoiae Edi- son company of New York and the International Brotlierhood of Elec- trical Workers. Hie has been closely associated with the development of the Nation- al Labor Relations act and li-as, fromn timne to time, served as trial examiner for the National Labor Relations board. Soon after the pas- sage of the act lie wrote a brie! on too .ne Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Willett and ut- their son and daugliter-in-law, Mr. a and Mrs. Paul Willett, alI of Kenil- "'s worth, have returned from a vaca- tion at Pentwater, Mich. 1 y