Ior £ao' on to a ranJch Suth lO ATHLTE'uFOOTî U for cooefrolling AthIefels Foot. Momey bock guorantee. At O0« Two1 Ridg e Ave. Pharpocy Lake and Ridge Road Cail Wilm.ff. 316 'I Fresi Frozen Cherries, be. twee. 1w. layers of New York :ice,.Cream, 22e., Fresh peach ceý cream in pint packages. Red plu m and apricot sherbet combination In pmnt tubs. Dependable Stores AND Soizfrr-Cazel Drug WiImeffe andI Central CaII WiImeft. 400 David Clark: Leach', 1417 For- est avenue$ , Wlmette, ha: recent- ly been appo:nted chimn0 swimming of the Central A.A.U.,. for the state. of IllinoIàs, to 1111l the vacancyi cauged -by, the death of Frank Blankley of Chica go, who Jad been the chairman for -a period of fort y-two years. The appointment automatically malces Mr. Leach a member of the natiornal committee of A4A.Mq which t: made up of state chair- men. bMen. Leach has for many years benaprominent figure in amateur -swimming, and is a former Central jA.A.'U. champion of sprint swim- Iminig, and national champion in the I400-yard relay event. He was aiso ja member of a former national champion water polo team. He has for the past fifteen Years ben à The election of officers of the Wil- mette post of the Amnerican Legion wi11 be held Tuesday evening, Au- gust 8, at 8 o'clock at Murphy's, beach ini No Man's Land. Following the business meeting the evening will be devoted to swimming, dancing, and rfeh mnents, it was announiced by E. H. Myrland , chairman of the entertain- ment committee. Wives',of memibers will be guests of'the post. List Nominoes The following namies have, been placed, in nominationforthe com- ing ,year. Commander, William J. Benner; first vice-com-mander, Fred R. -Ba- ker; second vice-commander, E. H. Myrland; finance' officer, John B. Boddie; directors, Earl W. Moon and Ragner E. Dalstrom; sergeant- at-arms, Harry S. Browne; delegate to Cook County council, Daid~ Clark Leach; alternate, R. L. Hartman; delegate to seventh district, E. H. Myrland; alternate, F. Clinton Bird. New Probe of Relief Client Need Planned Announcement was made this week that the Illinois Emergency Relief JULY 30, .1939 -- ....~. -~'. m1fli5ra«»tor ofrelier an.New Tie the Covenant club,,later going to the township. UJnion League club, where he was Mr. Olrnsted said, however, it 'le swimming instructor and assistant antici.pated that those receiving re- club manager for eleven years. Hie lief wil be required to MIî out new lalso was a member of the Hamilton statements of resources and finan- club team. cial needs, and to have these cur- During his service of fifteen years rently reviewed. While he has not on the swimming commîttee, Mr. received instructions as to how the Leach has refereed all championship work will be done, lie anticipa tes it diving events within its jurisdiction. will be carned on serially, through- 1 1 ni~~~..L i- f 11 -- 'I 'I MIST CHURCH 0F CHRIST, SCIENTIST Tenth Street and Central Avenue WILMETTIE, ILLIýNOIS h