Col or Scheme fo'r Wilmette Wedding With her uncle, Hlis Eminence George Cardinal Mundelein oôfficiat- ing at 10:30 o'clock, Rita. Maria Epýpig, daughter of :Mrs., Margaret Eppig of WjImette,- was married to Dr. James. F. Kearney of Chicago, Tuesday mobrning. .White summer flôwers were arra.nged on the altar of St.- Francis Xavier church where the ceremonyý was, perform- ed, and in the home of the bride's inother, for 'the wedding breakfast forý the immediate families which followed the service.. White flowers of the summer sea son, were used, too, in decoration for the reception held that afternoon, at the Edge- wiater Beach hotel. White mousseline-de-soie was cho- sen by the bride as the materlal for her, w.ddingdress, with which she wore a tulleveil of fingertip length. She carried an all-white prayer book, with orchids. The dresses of her attendants car- ried out a color scheme of blue and white. The matron of honor, Mrs. Charles Martin of Oklahoma City, wore light blue marquisette and rnatching hat with light blue velvet streamers. lier flowers were white. Mary Anne Tobin of Chicago. old-fashioned bouquets were of blue flowers and their white lace halo. hats were trimmed in blue.. Mrs. Eppig selected a dress of dusty pink silk lace touched with depinium blue for her daughter's wedding. With it she wore a match- ing hat and a corsage of blue flow- ers. lMirs. Daniel 0. Kearney, moth- er of the bridegroom,, was in a dress of blue of darker shade than me inithe in Wilmette., The engagement andui pproach- ing marriage of Miss Helen Ba- ker Orvia, second daughter of Dr. and MTs. H. A. Orvis, 467 Liudex atreet, Winnetkcz, to R o b e r t Lut hum Johnson, son of Mrs. Besaie M. Johnson of Saginaw, Mich., toa unnouneed Monday evening, July 24, ut a party held ut the Orvia home. The wedding uill tulce place ut 4 o'clock Sep- tember 9, in the Wlmette Rap- tiat church, the Retv. George D. Allison, pastor of the church oftlciftng. Elle Lindstrom Bride 0f Martin Herberb'oiz Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindstrom of Chicago announce the marriage. '01 their daughter, Ella, to Martin Herberholz, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Herberholz of 147 Prairie avenue. The wedding took place in ireserve ess by .ue madie wihmte is- ýday morniing, August 8- -Miss' Dorothy' Agnes Robertson, daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. Alfred IRobertson, 1611 Elmwood avenue, IWilmette, is to become the bride Qf I Harry Richards,> son of Mr., and IMrs. Albert G. Richards of 320. IRichmond, road, Kenilworth, on Fri- day, August 18. The -ceremony will take, place in .theFirst Presbytenian chureh of Wilmtiette, with a reception following et the Robertsonlhome. The bride has chosen her own at- tendants, h er sister, Gladys Jean, for her, ni a i à' of hon or, and the brîidegroom' sister, Dorothy M. Richards, for her bridesmaid. Ent-r'taining has started for Miss Robertson who was guest'of hionor at a personal shower given by Miss Richards last- Friday evening at, her home in Kenilworth. Evanst.. Club foHae Danc0et+Sheridan Shore One of the annuai exchange parties of 'the Country Club of Evanston and the Sheridan Shore Yacht club will be held on Satur- day, August 5, when the members from the Evanston club will use the Wilmette clubhouse for the evening. Later on, in the winter, the Sher- idan Shore Yacht club will have a dance in the Evanston clubhouse. *The dance Saturday night will. be informal,' and wilI begin about 9 o'vlock. Music will be furnsled by Harry Snyder's orchestra, anid light refreshrnents will be served. No reservations are necessary. Married in Dress Of lvory Lace Wearing the ivory lace wèddmng gown, of the bridegroom's mother, Mary June Miller, daughter of Mrs. Lénoir Hood Miller'of Wilmfette be- came the bride of Laurence H. Burd'. son of Mrs. J. Laurence. Burd of. Evanston, Saturday afternoon., A cap of, real,,lace held in place the: bride's fîngertip, veil and. her bou-. quet was of mixed white flowers. Miss Katherine Burd, sister of the bridegroom, as maid of honor, wore delphinium marquisette and had del- phiniums mixed with white flowers, in her. bouquet.: Henry Dyer of Flossmoor served. as: best man. *The fire-place end of the living room in the M~iller home was bank- ed with ferns, and bowls of white .lowers were on each side tQ 1pro- vide an 'attractive setting for the ceremony which the Rev. James T. Veneklasen p erf or m ed at 3:30 o'clock. After a brief wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Burd wifl live temporarily at 702 Reba, place, Evanston. The bride is a graduate of Grin- neil college in Iowa, the bridegroom was an Austin scholar at Northwest- ern university. Out-of-town guests for the weddimg included Mrs. Miller's brother, G, W. Hood, and farmly, from South Bend, Ind., and an old friend of hers, Mrs. E. C. Vandenburgh of Sioux City, Iowa. Bride August 10.' Mozelle Wr-ightson Is Bride of Mr. Pinckert - Herbert James Wrightson'of 1006 Linden avenue, Wilmette, announces the marriage of his daughter, Moz- elle, to Randail Pinckert, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Pinckert of Berke- vY A<g- ror bricie e, nd vorth.* One of the first of the parties to Pr<*s- be given in honor of Miss Elizabeth ewill Murdock, who will soon be married it th to Robert Hiereford May, Jr.,. is the enta, personal shoWer which Mrs. Fred taon. Zeiler of Rogers Park wrnl give at Mr. the North Shore hotel on Friday, d. August IL. i