IJYDROX BlacklRçspben'y Bet wee 2 Loyers of Better Peca. Fresh peach ice cream in pint packages. Red plùrn and aprîcot sherbet combination ini pint tubs. At Our 1w. Dependable Stères aruacy ADSuuder-Cazel Drug Râ d Wilmeff, and 'Central 316 0.11 Wilmeffe 400 FIRST CHUlICH 0F CHRIST, SCIENIST Tentb Street and Central Avenue WzLMàrrrz, ILLINOIS Sunday, Services- i i a.M. Wednesday-Testimonial Meeting-8 p.m. Sunday Sehool Exercses-9 :45 a.mn. AIUGUST 6, 1939 Subject: SPIRIT READING ROOM - 113,i3 Central Avenue. Open Dai ly 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45 P.M. Saturday 9 A.M. ta 9 P.M. A Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and *ail other aul] HYDROX: Glagmet ýAie Sâpawlklisg Waee and Root Deew ý2for 25c Plus Bottie Deposit 1166 WIImtt. Ave. i w: xReg 1 iemric worlds, il .Appraisers. * The l7th annual water carnival of the .Winnetka park districet will be held Sunday afternoon at the Lake Front beach at the foot of Maple street. The events will start at 2:,30 o'clock.ý Thei st ar.event of the program, the, quarter-mile open champion- ship, wîll' be open Ito residents of Wilmette, Kenilworth, and Glencoe, as well as Winnhetka, while the oth- er 22 races-will be limnited to Win- netka residents. Six medals are to be awarded: three to the first three men to place and three to,,the w.omen. WIII Be Directors, Arthur S. Lytton, president of the Park board, and Dr. Davies Lazear. chairman of the small parks com- mittee, will direct the water carni- val. Tom Robinson, swimming coach at Northwestern. university,, will be starter and announcer. Assisting will be Life Guards Brewster Adams, William Paulson, and Leslie Waldo. Judges will be Stanley H. Simnpson, Robert H. Stod-, dard, Herbèrt.Paulson, 0. E. Seiler, and Bruce Van Cleve. Frank A. Windes will bcecustodian of prizes and Elmer T. Selby, re- corder. List Events The events follow: 1. Lueé saving contest, open to boys under 16 years of age. Any carry of 25 yards. 2- 50-yard ithner tube race, 16 years and. under. Contestants ïnust furnish own tubes. 3. 10-yard swimn, boys 8 and under. 4. 10-yard swim, girls 8 and uînder. 5. 15-yard swimn. Boys under 10« 6. 15-yard swim. Girls under 10. 7. 40-yard swîm. Boys 13 to 16. 8. 40-yard swini. Girls 13 to 16. 9. 20-yard swim. BOYS 10 to 12. 10. 20-yard swinm. Girls 10 ta 12. Il. 100-yard free style. Men 17 and over. 12. 50-yard breast. stroke. Girls. 1M. 100-yard free style. Boys 16 and under. 14. ljyard backstroke. Boys 9 to 13. 15. 15-yard backstroke. Girls 9 to 13. 16. Fancy diving, boys (5 optional). 17. Fancj diving, girls (5 optional). de Gueldre Photo Joohua D'gs poszto,. 111 Lindent a venue, Wilmette, wv o rT1ielre- not*mecl engineer, will address the Executive's Club of Chic ago at its sum mer meeting Friday noon, August 4, at the Hôtel Sherman. Mr, D 'YEsposito, at present resi- dent project engineer for the Chicago Stiway'wIlfflave as htô1toi "ISub1 ways, Sewers and Related Subjects." Benjamin F. Affleek of Winnetka Iis president of the Executives' club, -and A. W.; Merrifield of Winnetka is, executive secretary. Ralph M. Him- melhoch of Hubbard Woods, Gran- ville Lewis, and O;' P. Olson, both of Kenilworth, are members of the board of directors. C. E. Clii ton Will Attend Savings and Loan Study Courses C. E. Clifton, Jr., secretary of the First Federal Savings & Loan Asso- ciati on, Wilxnette, received notifica- tion this week from theAe- can Savings and Loan institute that he has been Coli Wil Le Society 1 . mmm