Miss Gladys Irene Phelps spent l.ast week -visiting friends at Colo- ma, Mich.,ý and this Week wil go with the s ame people - b Cleveland, Ohio. -She: wifl be h9me somnetime next week. According 10 the American Gardenesra ssociatîon there han<tve been as great.a demand for their catalog pro grams as there is for the. issue just off the pres for. the fluth annual exhibition to be held at Win- netka Community House Saturday and, Sunday, September 16 aid 1M. Payo Tae Now and Save Money-WaTfnlg With tax collections on 1938 gen-- erals and personal property reach- ing over $108,000,000 in the first six monthsý of his term of office as county treasurer, John Toman is be- ginning his drive to set another rec- ord in collections for the second instailment of taxes. September 1 is the deadline for payvment of the second installment. r, WLd~ wiwmu CONFECflONSY Juas Vase .1 Demi j Memrbers of this year's show com-, mittee are shown iii the picture above. Seated, (left ýto right) are: Standing, (left to' right) Otto Zschau, association president, gar- dener for Mrs. John Gary, Glen- coe; Frank Moening, chairman of the show committee, garden er 1 for the Rudolph. Matz estate, Hubbard Woods, and Peter Denny, garden- er for Mrs. Clark Lawrence, Hub- bard Woods. Three other members of the com- I WRISLEY'S Delay Adds to Burden 0f the $108,000,000 collected close to $7,000,000 was on delinquent prop-ý erty, Taxpayers, heeding the warn- ing of Toman, realize that thereý wM lbe no cut or recluction of penal- ties, that delay only causes mount- ing bis, ai-d they have paid. Speaking on the tax. situation, Treasurer Toman says: "It is my duty to collect ail taxes on reai estate and personal proper- tv in Cook county. But 1 aiso feel it hart, of Lake iForest, were unable to be present. The dahlias shown in the picture comprise two very fine specimens of the Amelia Earhart and the rest are the Bounitiful variety which was orlginated in the James Simpson gardens i Glencoe three years ago. Mr. and Mrs. ly returie( tion at the' points nori and relatiN Wisconsin. This uards' Thi. AMOLIN rsonal Deoderant Powder- ,