iroiowhnu a shoret vacation icnth his familui-in Montana, Hill Blackç4,bne of. WlnetIca, fkinoia' new Republican ntoa committeeman, will continue hIS visita. to downastate con gressional districts to. discugs preliminary plans for'the 1940c ampaign..with district and local leaàders. The itinerary for bis next trip fol- lows: August* 15, Rock Island: Au- on or Freeport <place to be desig- nated *by local leaders). M r. Blackett already bas visited Dis- tricts 15 to 15, inclusive, on invita- tion of the state committeemen for those districts. Mr. Blackett bas established bis political headqtuarters at 221 North La Salle street, Suite 763, phone Randolph 3215. He bas chosen for his political secretary. William *Marjorie Pope, 807 Forest avenue, and Frances Dahnke, 2114 Green- Wood avenue, recèived LaVerne Noyes scholarships, given to sons and daughters of soldiers, w ho saw active. service in the World: war. Frank Broad, 436 Tenth street and Randolph McCandlisb,'1530 Washing- ton avenue, were awarded Univer- sity scholarships. Jerry Horak, 1097 ýAsh street, Win- netka, receiveda University scholar- ship paying one-half tuition. MOTORIST -INIZURIED An autoriobile .-accident at Elm- Wood' avenue and Eleventh street, at 11:30o a.m. Wednesday, injured one d river. wrecked bis car and dam- aged the, other car.* Nels Jensen, 1256 W.' 72nd street, Chicago, driv- ing east on Elmwood avenue, came intô collision with a car being driven soulb -on lvenUt sretby R ,R Lippincott, Jr., 1132 Asbland avenue, Wilmette. Jensen, wbose car was overturned and wrecked, received a 3-incb gasb in bis head. He was taken to the office of a local physi- cian. and then taken to bis home. VISIT NORTH SHORE Mr. and Mrs. Artbur W. Boles <Helen Taylor) of Hillcrest, Joplin, Mo.. arrived last Saturday for a visit amour's MILOSÉ suceS BACON Wropp.d la Ceollophano Igain Corn Foncy-Michigaon Red!-RIp. and Solid Faim' lb. 5< 4 POTATOZ S Faoncy Wht.eIs i s 25< GRAPES fancy Lab. BunchZ e s .3 declared-that every Republica'n in 1 I eiy *rietivu* a u rv the state shoulId be miade to féeel north on their vacation. thât he has a part in tbe 1940 pro- gram. He expressed bigb bopes for RETURNS FROM NORTH victory next year in his discussions Mrs. Paul Scbulze, Jr., 300 Abbots- in Chicago and in tbe down-state ford road. Kenilwortb, returned re-, towns he has 'visited, whicb include: cently from a, stay at Trout lake, Decatur. Bloomington, Peoria. Wis. Wbile there, she visited her Gxalesburg. Jacksonville. D a n- daughter. Idamae, wbo is .spending ville, Mt. Vernon, Harrisburg. Car- the season at Warwick Woods camp bondale, Belleville, East St. Louis. nearby. Paul, III, returned borne on Ewaun . gri le-A lirw- qtinai , ;fo an ,,, ,n , M p -TED No. 2 con i@c Re01-1b. tublJO ASTER 8 o0z. pkg. 14ci 'I rod 0' e >0- FULL PODS 5ibs.U : .i