SKYE YOU MONEYI 'NERE'S PATHFIN DE RI 0. Th. boat tire. Goodyear ever *Heare's oa "toughie"-if we ever uaw onel Lookc it over point by p.ibt-àdanire its fine-car Bmart- 31.8.-ride it to a new economny record. "'Litetime Guarcrntee.- co always. *Your io in ber. ?4OW. 'Stop in TODAY if you pousibly canl York World's fair, via the Anchor lime. This was the greatest travel movement1 from Scotland to the United States-in the history of travel officiais of the line believe. Not Expeinsive. Trip "We have. found that a trip to America need fot be atiexpensive, holidayý,". Mr. Dollan said. "Hôtels, meals and: other costs ýhave -been muc chape thn w exectd. t, Water front scen.e at Northwesterrc Backfteld Coîzch Jc ac' present,. however, no. one on the Camrp: Kooch-i-Ching, on Raïny Lake, near Interlati onal Fails,, Minne- other ýside knows of. your moderate- sota. A'record crowci of twenty Wilmette and Kenilwvorth boyjs are en- priced hotels, with single' roomsg for rolled there this year. $1.50 to $2 a night, and double rooms for $3. In the future 1I hope to se e adDneognz orpris much more information about them n ude rgnz orpr ies. dissemninated in Glasgow. for America, as Glasgow did this i "W ae ugesig, M. ola year. More than 250 booked as early S il ing "We re uggstig,"Mr.Dola s January to corne here on thei said, "that next year other Scottish ~ Anchor liner California, our 'Ship of Bi Mae'MreeldthA- cities, such as Edinburgh, Aberdeen Frie ndship,' and 1 believe even more Bl ai' eei e h r * ' will coirne nexct year. l1 .-o b omne 1ast Satur-day off Wil-, Boosts Travel to U. S. mette harbor after a three-legged -We are also suggesting on our race in a nice southeast breeze. return that the Scottish Travel as- Magie made most of his headway w a tc h ' sociation, the -ooperative societies and the trade unions get busy on the on the second leg, a reach out to job of organizing American tours, the three-mile buoy, passing three a t i o .! and 1 houe that eventually 10,000 boats, and then consolida ted his posi- F a t G o ! Scots wil visit Arnerica annually. tion on the run to the finish line. For more than 85 years the Anchor Jc airepae eodi line has brought your people to Our IF jou want to take city of Glasgow; now we want our Zephyr aiter outluffin- a half dozen. f ý>1 al~4 hrt 5intih j~ 0( u1 fat easily 1people to return the visit." boats on the homeward le.' before Welch CE GRAPE JUI 1