¶Exclusive Agent 421 Richmond Road Kenllworth. 5288 147LTZN14..ltc AN ITALIAN "ýGREEN- GARDEN"' with pool reflecting lead figures, and an iron well-.head, ià. a feature of this distingulshed white colonial east - Hub- bard Woods house. «High* pillared -en- trance. 12 rooms, 5 baths. Garage. 2 porches and terrace with flag floor and mron railing. 11, acres. A real homne wlth charni and dignity and a frleiidly quallty. We b~ave this- place at $90.000. Now offered at, $W000,MRS. FULLER & WM.. PICKARD, Inc. 746 Elm St., Wifln. Winn. 3603 or Uni. 7444. 147LTN14ltc GEORGIAN COLONIAL EAST KENILWORTH HANDSOME BRICK RESIDENCE. 9 rooms, 3 baths, exceptionally large beautiful lot. Original cost $85,000. Price $37.500. McGUIRE & ORR, Inc. 50Davis St., Evanston. Wilmette 228 147LTN14-ltc In. a beautiful location, on high ground, affording wide view, hand. somne home of eight roonis, Iuxur- ously appointed is offered at great sacrifice. This is an opportunity to buy a residence at much below cost of reproduction. The house is in per- fect physcal condition, moderni *every way. The grounds are beauti- fully landscaped, pool, s u ni m e r hose e'ws~tc. Thle pre ihte 45 M0. McGuire & Orr, Inc. EXL 522 Green Bay Rd., Wlnnetka Winli. 89 147LT14.ltc RAVINIA BARGAIN SEVEN ROOM BRICK COL.ONIAL. SPA- clous liv. nm. 4 bedrms., 2 tile baths. 01 1 ht.. 2-car gar., scr. porch. Large lot. F.H.A. ternis. Owner wants offer. Might trade for smaller North Shore property. Coul Mr. Daily. FRANKLIN REALTY 1569 Sherman Ave., Evanston Uni. 7777 .olda irnie nouse Am Dest resîaential sect. of East Rogers Park. Six bèd-; roonis, il/iz tue baths, 30 ft. living roon., iibrary. large dining rooni, good.econom- ical steani heat.. 1Beautiful landscaped grounds on lot, 116X165 ft., loôcated at , 1602. Touhy avenue N.W . corner Ashland Ave., near elevated, lake, churches, stores,- etc. Rent reasonable. $100 unfummished. May rent furnîshed SeUilng price -- $25.000 F. WANNER - REALTOR~ 19 S. LaSalle Street Rogers Park 1314 State 5111 148LTN14-ltp 150 WANTED TO BUY-HOUBES WT . O 13D Y OR aEIT. No ÀGZNTSI 5 r Oom boUse triWinnetka, west of alroad. Cali Greenleaf 1096 or write B242, Box 60, Wilznette. 15OLTN'132tp 1151 FOR SALE-VACANT BUILDERS! A STEAL! 63xl80 IN SOUTIHEAST GLENCOE. beau. trees, ail Iiprovements, priced at only $1,575. which la leas thon hall the Blue Book valuation. Cail Mr. Tam- nowsky. THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 510 Davis St. Wil. 3740 SMALL EBONY ý,APOLLO PLAYER grand with 70 os ot quality m'ugic, $1250O0. Evanston Fireproof Warehouse, 1839 E. Railroad Ave. 171LTN14-lte LAW N TABLES-CLOSEOUT 42 Inch diameter. AUl steel $12 value, $3.50 eachb. PAVLIKC BROS. KENIL- WORTH 5672. 1'?1LTNl4-3tp CURLY MAPLE BED, DOUBLE, WITH lýox .5>r»gD 1an atsstjç nd tion. Phone Wilinette 3387. i? L 4 p 17a .wTD. TO Uuy-HaHLD, c000DB TWIN BEDS COMPLETE W I T H dresser and chiffonier to match. Must be ti good condition. Cail Winnetka 2M4. WANTED TO BtJY - SELL OR EX- change household goods. We also buy used clothing and shoes. FELL'S - 930 Chicago Ave. Uni. 0103. 7LTN14-ltp ýl w