ed.* 2 car gara Well built .and ni.cely kept; 6 roomns and bath on Ist floor, 2 rlooms and laV. tollet on 2nd.. Fine lot, 85x125. 2 car garage. Heat.bilI le$s than $90 per year. Price *8,250. Modem 7ý room brick Kenilwoýrth home. M3i baths; oh heat. Near 'trans.- schoo e. Out-of-town owner cuts priée. to $22,500. WI1l also rent. R.M.- JOHNSTON & CO. 340 Lnden Ave. Winette 444 147LTN17-ltc A, FRIENDLY LITrLE G ATE IN THE picket féee of this white Colonial hoiuse wlth green blinds. 2 fireplaces (one in library and one in large living room>. Hnuge screened porch with fiag Iloor., Studio or, recreation roomn and nrettv nnwder 'oonn. anfirst flnr. ai .$9,500 fer EAST WILMET'rE - ONE 0F THE = cholce offerings of present market. 4 16 roomns on flrst, 3 bedroonis and a sleep- i ing porch on second. Hot water gas heat, 2 car garage. Worth investigatlng. ph McGUIRE & ORR, Ine. - 530 Davis St, Evanston. Wlmette 228 147LTN17ltc 150 wANTuD TO DIY-14OUUES WILL TRADE, % ACR~E,,IMPROVED lot in Bannockburn for equlty in 7,room house. Cali Wilmette 2461. ISOLTN7-tp WANTED AT ONCE. A 5 room bùligalow in West Wflmnette for $5m6000. Write Ë-272,, Box 60. Wilmette, Iii.15OLTrN17-ltc .51 ýFbR SALE-VACANT FOR, VACANT.BUYERS HIcHLAND PARK OFFERS LOW TAX- es, fine schools and transportation and inexpensive vacant. Look over these good va0uft.Raii........$0. value. a ii ... .... . .. Wooded corner near lake.....$50 Wooded acre.W. Highland Park. ... $1650. 60 ft. W est Ravinia...........$ 00 Mr. Piersen. BAIRD & WARNER 790 EIm St, Winnetka 2700, -Briar. 1855 171LTN17ltp GENERAL ELECTRIC REF RIGeRiA- tor like new, 60 in. byý 32 in. Cost $560. will seli for $100 if'sold by'Sat. Cail Mrs. Webster, WII. 730, or Univ. 0106. 171LTN417-te 17à WTo. TO BuY-ýH*SHS. é oODS WANTED- TO BUY-SELL OR "EX- -change. household-goods. We alsobuy bric-a-bracs, glassware : a-n d china;- FEIL'S.-iii Chicago Ave. Uni. 0103. ___________________ 172LTN17-ltp 173 FOJR SALIE-ME0CIELLANE.OUS FOR IMMEDIATE ýSALE, 0F YOUR unnecessary fùrniture, household ef- fects and antiques, PHONE UNI. 0189. CROST FURNITURE STORE, established 1898, will give your cail prompt. atten-, tion, for siftgle items or complete home. 13TN49-tfe, I N ÏN BABY CARRIAGE ý- DARK BLUE ENG. Dmiles 'lisli coach $10. 'Good condition, Glencoe er site2009. 173LTN17-ltc N17-ltc L A DI ES TOUR-ROBE (WARDROBE D>18 suit case), alniost new. Ideal for girl WEÀRT to take to college. Reas. Cail Greenleaf 'I c e d. 2252. 173LTN17ltp 'Nl7r3tp 174 wrD. To UUY-MIBCÈLLANEOUS ~7Junk D3ealer GOLDMAN SMART & ( 1564 Sherman Ave. COZY BRICK BUN 5 nice rooms 'or roor' on 2nd. Insu $10.500. or might r( BAIRD & WARNER 790 Elm St., Winnetka 2700, Briar. 1855 147LTN17-Itc OWNER DETERMINED TO SELL. Charmlng house ln Winnetka, Private bedged garden. 7 rooms, 3!' baths, ý2 pochs.01 heat. Near parochial and Donr ay schools. Give us an offer. $16,500. asked. M1RS. FULLER & WM. PICKARD WUnnetka 3603 or University 7444. 171L17-1tp VILLAGE TRADING POST 372 HAZEL AVE. 'GLENCOE Appraises 'and conducts~ the sales of the entire housebold furnishinge in the home. For information, call GIencoe 2n39. 171LTNI5-4tp PRIVAÇTE PARTY Would like to selI 3 diamond rings of 3 and, 4 carats each. Very neasonable. Can be seen' at PAGLIARULO Jewelry store, 1166 Wilmette Ave. Wlmette 1061. National Council 0f Jewish Wornen Hear Louis Adamieb Teachers' college, they livedý in Glen- coe. She is to teach first grade' at North Shore Cou'ntry 'Day, scbool this year.. mittee, is assisting Mrs. Myerson in planning the rally.. .The National Council of Jewish Women, now entering upon its forty- seventh year, numbers 60,000 mem- bers 'with sections in 200 of the prin- cipal cities of the United States and narda J. .IcIcer, ernbçrship comn- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Paul- son, 1155 Chatfield 'road, left Mon- day for a vi*sitto their old. homte. Rebbelberga, Argelho'lm, South- ernm .Sweden, or. Skona, as that, Part of the. country is kitowii. Since coming to the United States in 1887, this is their third trip to thé homneland, where Mr. Paulson. 60 years ago, began Iearning, bis trade of pamtier, and decorator., Attracted by the natural beauties of the old Skok 1ie, -the Paulsons pio- neered the west Hubbard Wood s section, where Mr., Paulson bult five residence properties in the vicin'- ity of Tower road and Greenwood avenue, show places of the north shore. Sunset scenes over the Skokie. Mr. Paulson said, once gave him t he in- spiration for the interior decorative seheme of one of the bouses. In one of the others he reproduced a piece of art which he executed in a very fine home, in Sweden, and t0 whicb he made a trip to study the scheme and colons before starting the job here. t your