by GEORGE RECTOIR Whenever, i see a schoofl child trudging alonig with the failiar Uin lunch box, my symnpathies *are divided be- tween the inother who ha. to BMI it and the child who han te empty iÏL'On the Whole, 1 think 1 amn on the ide >of the consumner of this eternal triangleof sandwich, fr-uit and cake. From time -to timne, therefore, 1 shail make sugges-* tiens that I bepe wiil keep the achool lunch box fro)m beeomng, as monotonous as a rainy. vacation 'and as dry as the history lesson that preceded it. WIIuoei& C.. bvlmging nome 1 urge the Americain the. Bacon ihousewife te Thse Lori Said a Most h fui When the Kari of Sandwich de- manded a slab of meat between two dices ef brcad, he laid down the specifications for what ha. been standard equipment for portable mals ever unoe. As a change for the school lunch for breiling or pan frying or boileci or baked ini large pleces. Bake d Canadian Bacon Remove the transparent casing frein a 2-.pound piece of Wilsn's Certified ici malçes achange mual pirallel sUces of I ~. Will tday,