To earn a "W. B." emblem it is necessary to swim the entire lengthi ofthe outer life lUne, a distance of about 200 yards. The names follow: Tom Nolan, Dlck Jester, Mary Billett, James Vandervort. Arthur ý Severents. Janet. Rider, Jack Stauffer,, Donald Jas- pers, Nancy Sporrie, Jtim Hardenbergh, Uiavid Christian. Judy Perry, David Griffith, Pat Shrlne, Donna, Good, Edward, Shîne, ,Jane Muel- erj, Helen Muelier, BIHGillin, Bill Har- denbergh,. Ditk Prest. Woody Hinshaw, Mary O'Connell, Unice Gockel, Eugene Boudart, Edward O'Rtoarke, Mary Jane Boli, Joan Turner, John James,; Don Anderson, Tom Tucker. George Lundine,. Robert, iinger. Phil-; lip Hlhnger, Donald Wagner. Bill Coutre, Dick Allen, Ralph Ileartman, Nancy Meyers, Dick Hahn, Phyllils Farquhar- son, Richard Wilson, Laverne Torrey. Barbara Stoker, Dan Carter, Virginia Anderson, Nacy Day, Jim Anderson, Peter Càels'of, B >GIflt, Aalrm 'altç, Dick Reich. Florence Balmas, Sally Adler, Helen Balmas,, Phillip Keller, Bruce Rider, Charles Dolti, Joan Hughes, Ned Moberg; Bob Jones, Bobby Barnes, Albert. Lechner. Ardith Santis, Evelin Coutre, Haroldi Coutre, Emejean Sporry, Janet Rider, Barbara lMcNeill, Patsy Ley, Bob Drew, Jim Turley. Davis McCarn. u-.-J i The lectures will begin F'rjday, September 29, at .10 o'clock. They are scheduled for the second and fourth Fridays of, each: month. The fail series on food and drugs, is as follows:. *September 29-Today's Consumer October 13-]Pood-The Buidget andi the menu October 27 - Meat - GradlnL eguflIa' *tions, and Laws S 1ovember 10--Dary Products November 2 -Canned and Paekaged Foods December B.-The Medicine Chest There will be a fee'for each of the series, of. six1 lectures. Every con- scientious homemaker should take advantage of this opportunity. of learnir1ig how to. be. a better buyer, manager, and consumer. Questions. will be answýered and problems dis- cussed. Mrs. Phiip Johnson. of Highland, sumer problems for several years, will give this course of lectures. N' rWASEIEG>TON, . Ca Under Rthe Dioection of Lieut.Che" lse in Two Gozmortu, a' the Niles TownshiP: Hfigh Sehool Gymmuium LINCOLN AVENUE, NILES CENTSR ADMISSION- Matin..: Students 25c; Adulte 55c. Evening: Rtesrved soetiom $sus Min Floor 75e. acn 5 Doorà Open 2:30--Openfng Xe. a pu. Dm,.,.Open iT:30--OpemngN.. 8 pu.- TICKETS ON SALE NOW BY WWele SI.I;IQerY and <iftShuop 1165 Wilnete Avenue -WJEBOLDT' IDavis Street Evansi