cluaîng uctober 28. Th.e return limit is eight days in addition-to the date o1, sale. >The round trip rail, fare firm Chi- cago will be $3680 good for travel in .ail types of-Puilman accommoda-, tions exept upper berths, and, tickets good for travel in upper berths only will carry a further reduction to $33.15. Give Safety Rulesl For Sc'hool Children "School days, school days. are. here once more, and just to be sure they will be "safe days," theý Illinois Automobile club offers these "golden rules" of safety: Look and wait for approaching traffic - bef ore erossin~g ireets. Cross streets only at intersections or rnarked cross-walks. - Obey tra ffic lights. - Neyer chase a playmate into thec street. - Do flot roller skate, coast, or play games in the street. - Do flot dash into the street to retrieve a ball or other article. - Neyer înake a game of dodging cars. - if it is neeessary towalk on pavement, stay close to the left edge and step off to the left when traffic instructions ofithe sc[WUi bcLLty~ patrolmen. - Rernind your parents and friends to always drive careful- ly. A CORRECTION In. the August 3 issue of this news magazine in the article telllng of the Black Hilîs Passion Play of America which has been playing twice week- ly during the sumnmer months at; Spearfish, S. D., one of the tree These photo grapha by the Berule studio toere aCCOTded the honoroj a place in the eohibit of the ,aation'a finest photography which tvas a part of the 52nd annual convention of the National Photo graphera' association which closeci its sessions in Bu~ffalo Aug. 25. A part of them zvere alsolncluded in the aaaoeiation'a permanent traveling exhibit. Hlome From 'lands 575 Potind Announce Lectures A& À-&m freshman year"at St. Mry' cli at Notre Dame., Miss, Molynec graduated in June fromn New Ti Unan.