:TWO »OLLA1s à ARJ Nes amaerl al reoaM edaor by Tuesday nooe. C..aribaaiom disAtmEd em arau ir' name, required for- raersmca ad snajca&iy for publicain. SEPTEMBER 14, 1939 By vitue of .a law passed by the last, session cf the Mlinois legisiature, Governor. Borner is nstructed- to designate annuaily by proclamation a Sunday, in October -as ".Citizenshîp 'Day." It is to be. observed ini each communty by ceremonies inducting into ful citizenship ail persons reachmg age 21 durmng the past year. In ýsuch cere- mones fihe duties and responsibilities at- tached te fthe rights and privileges of cit- izenship are te be emphasized. At Manitowoc, .Wis., l.Ugy, a notable ceremony was conducted under supervision of Prof. Roy. F. Colbert cf the University of Wisconsin, in which more than 700 young men and women were inducted into citizenship. This year the movement has been extended te every county in that state. Five months' intensive training in citizen- ship is required of the "candidates.". Governor Horner is expected te designate proxinxîty, the New Trier villages might well cooperate ini a township demonstra- tion. Thxe Wlmette 'amphitheatre would pro- vide an admirable setting for such a patri- otic ceremony. American Legion posts, Veterans cf Foreign Wars, Sons and Daugh- ters cf the -American Revolution and citizen- ship committees of the various women 's clubs and other organizations should take aim is..I fidence, needed.,, faster. Its more con- st what is l'es, I' a Tough job The followin'g editorial ýf rom the Rotarian Magazine treats of a problenrwith which ýal good parents are. faced. It is wel ,worth readi g. 'If I had a son' I'd swear te do one thing: rd teil hîm the truth. That opinion is from J. Edgar Hoover, famed chief cf the. G-men,, whose experience with boys-ý. gone-wrong gives it special point. Probably few parents wildisagree, yet many are concerned wfth fixe problem cof how to tel fixe truth te a child. "But no matter how diplomnaticafly and taoUuUly ifrmation is pareeato - the youngster, it is true that, as Oliver Wendel Holmes once asserted, 'truth is tough.' George Eliot put it even more dramatical- ly, saymng that it 'has rough flavors if we bite it' through.' Consequenily fixe father or mother who decides to teil the youngster fixe truth chooses a troublesome--not a dainty-job. There may be a specific time and place for some things, but trutix recog- nizes ne stop. signs no 'do not disturb' some domestic laboratory, and it'la seldom impersonal. Parson Jones' mannerisms and Aunt Lydia's hats may start inquiries shocking te conventional parents yet prompted by the most scientific attitude., "But. here's the trouble witlx trutix: Long ago it severed ail diplomatic relations with white lies and terminological inexactitudes, with prejudices and propagandas. Unfort- on. Yu're abo eye. You've s a me, 7 he recent chilly nîghts -have drpenedthe ardor of the crickets and katydids, and -a great many voices are. absent fro m, the nocturnal chorus. Soon: ail will be silenced. By the way*, where do these cheerful insects spend their winters? Not ail of the thousançis of youngsters who mnarched.to sehool Mo#day were willing .volui- teers. One.youngster, however, had a gleam of hope. Hie remnarked: "I have, pretty good luck in getting sick. on school day..", A war that has continued for, some time is in' - rores i Chicago over changing the namne of Crawordavenue to "Pulaski road." Trhe Craw- ford partisans want it changed back to "Craw- ford avenue." Now1 cornes a suggestion te pacify the Crawfôrdites by making the change, and glving the present Milwaukee avenue the title of "Pulaski rôad." We suggest Ieavfrag street names alone and building another monu- ment or erecting another statue to the revered Pouash general. A Paris restaurant.,has named a dish "Trout Chamberain" in honor of Britain's prime min- ister. 'Tis said it wiIl appease hunger. À Chicago Municipal court judge has accepted a '$97 lot in the sticks as surétv on bonds s ig Promninent commentators off lteé air for 'the duration of the war. The war hysteria they are spreading could well be cispensed with tao4hýe_ country's advantagê. A Chicago restaurant manager gave a' holdup man a clout on the -chin-and then held, hirn until the police arrived. A boost for -instructors in the manly art of self. defense. There is much talk of putting this country at war strength at once as a matter of precaution. many of. tiem wil >uere than many vre, in general, ucated here, and their lives here. muncea ÎCe one cen.a Japanèse "good wl"' flyers reached this coun- try last week. Good wifl among nations is becomling a scarce comznodlty. Chuck the propaganda! TIE PHam1'DM REPORTE VIVE CENTS A COlT Reno j