'c fryour robe. They're the softesf cuddliest 'robes imaginable -solid comfort for cool. autumn nights anid d.elightful chic for any lime -and teywa shwithout a speck of trouble.' There's, the ex- tremely smart coat style we've illus- trated with its two fiuge peari buttons and therê's a zi pper style that, zps from throat t o hem, both of them: with faiscinating fuli skirts and tiny feminine waïsts. eD 'I f Ji I itbrand new! BenJoe' -d » panties'and slips panlies in 3 o but firm lastex with uplitt brassiere ot lace and the Ieft ieg is zippered sa itfs easy to slip on or off. mnc. EDGAR A. STEVENSf, Iengtks sa you're sure to find the one Iust right for you. 1624 Orrington Ave.* Evanston 95