ExcEPTrioPALLY ATTRACTIVE COLjO niai brick homse, 2 car gar. 9 rms. 3%f baths. Also recreattion oand screened preh. 3b acre. Rteady for occupancy prior; to Oct. Prie *26500. Restricted.. Inspeot now. Southeast corner Tower 'rd. andi Boal Parkway. AYRES' EOAL, JR. Bar. rison 1043 or: Wlnn. 664. 147A-LTN17-4tp 1311 ASBURY AVE. - WINNETCA, TWO bedrooms. Studio_ living room whfirepiac0. Automiatlc heat. This buerns ItseIl .See t. 147LTN19.ltp F OR SALE AT VERY 10W PlUCE IXl. cltUdng furniture or rent furn. or un. fUrn. Occup. Oct. lst. 9 rmà. French Col. tome. 670, Sheridan. Rd. Glencoe, Ph. Glen. 3060 or Lakeviiew 3M96 or aàppt.* A. Ziv, 501 W. Surf St., Chicago. 14ILTN1G.ltp, ILESS TRAN RElIT $M0 A rdONTH, PIN. A»D IN.. WILL buy 4 bdrm. house, oilbhrmer. Near scl. and trans., n Wilmette. Write B. 278, Box 60. Wilmette, 1111. !de FOR SALJE On RENT-Uoutm HOUSE FOR SALE, RENTAL, OR LON<G TERM LEASE: Gleftcoe conifortable brick home, 4 bedronia,, 3 batha, serv- ants quarters, opli eat, 2-ear garage, con. veniently loce, aehok' Cua -r"f;f"ortiaon , eephone Glenea. 705 or Central 3141. 14BLTN1U.ltp HIGHLAND PARK.611M. -IKOUSE, 2 baths, scr. porch, fireplace, gar., wood- ed lot 80 x 265. Nr. lake, transp. & school. Reduced to $12,500 for immed. acceptance or $100 per mo. rent. Aval. Oct. lst. Ph. Superior 9285 or Highlandl Park 1009 after 6:30. 14OLT194itp 5 RM. BOUSE, SUN I) LEPN prches. 2 car garage, h.w.ht.. nov ohl burner. Newly decorated tbroughout. Owner, 1050 Spruce st. Ww