LAWRENCE S. MACY Funeral services for Lawrence S. Macy, 20 years old, who was killed August 7 in a 100-foot. plunge while mountain climbing in Austria, Were held Sunday at Christ church, Win- netka. He was a graduate of the North Shore Country Day school i n the class of 1937 and had finished his sophomore year at Harvard univer- sity. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wil- liams Macy, 966 Private road, Hub-ý bard Woods, and three brothers, John, Bradford, and Francis, sur- vive. PFREDE1RICJC E. PAR1RY Frederick E., Parry, sales man- ager andi director of A. Stein and past 18 years. Ris widow; a son, Jamnes; a brother, Dr. Roy Parry of Scranton, Iowa; and two sisters, Mrs. Walter Turner, Houston, Tex., and Mrs. Wil- liam Schurr, Davenport, Iowa,, sur-n vive. Funeral' services were held Wed- riesday afternoon at the Wilmette Congregational church, with burial at Memorial Park cernetery. FRANK FRANCE .Frank France,.83 yegrs old, a re- tired contracter, was ;fatally 'strick- en Monday morning- at the Linden avenue, Wîlimette, station, of the Rapid Transit lines. Hie died almost instantly. Mri. France, who lived at 823 Cen-; tral avenue, had been a resident of .Wlmette for a quarter ef a century. His widow, with whom he had cele- brated-their 53rd wedding anniver- sjary last.,weéek, survives, as do,:a lso a daughter, Mrs. Milton, E. RÈeid of Wil mette,, and a son, Roy France, of, Miami Beach, Fia. He also leaves two sisters and a brother. Funeral services were held Thurs-, day morning at the Scott chapel in Wilmette with interment at Memor- ial Park cemetery. Ready for Show Bobbp Johnison, (10 years old> of 312 Green Bay road, Glencoe, has won seven points towards championship and numerous nib- bons andl trophies exhibiting and handling his dog, Hertha Von Hesson. Bobby will exhibit and show his dog in competition at Just before the battle, Jerrti Doacher (left) and Ralph. Wheaton are Showii. with the Shawnee CountryV club men's tennis championahlp trophy. In, the titie Match, Wheatcm's accurate placement game paced him to a straight set victory over Doacher, 6-3,.6-0, 6-2. INJURED IN CRASH Early Wednesday evening of last ed, 4940 Calumet avenue, Chicago, driving north on Skokie boulevard and .attempting a left turn into Glen- view avenue, came into collision wvith a car driven south on Skokie boulevard by R. C. Oberg, 1042 Dob- son avenue, Evanston. Mrs. Hutch- inson was taken to Community hos- pital, Evaniston, in the Wilmette po- lice ambulance, suffering from ini- juries to the right side and shoulder. HAS BEEN ABROAD Walter L. Cherry, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter L.,Cherry, 80 In- dian Hilliroad, arrived from Europe August 29, aboard the Aquatania. After his graduation from Yale in June, he left with the members of the Yale Glee club on a tour of GALLERY LECTUIRE Briggs Dyer,- artist -and instructor in the, school of the Ch1c-a Art ZIn- stitute, will give the last gaflery lec- ture in this free series on "Duteh and Flemish Old Masters" on Sun- day afternoon, September 24, at 3 p.m. This group meets in Gallery 48 on the second floor. This lecture wiUl stress the unique originality of Rem- brandt and his contemporaries and wil emphasize their importance i the history of art. j temuer u tvner Penn zaau a; Chambersburg, Pa. Miss Loegler was graduated i June from Evans- ton Township high school. Her larn- ily moved to Wilmette from Evans- ton in May, and this fail her sis- ter, Miriamn,is'entering Ne w Trier High school as a junior. AT ILLINOIS COLLI Miss Lucille Heerens, da tr Of Wis. Dr. ±Lez t of the tine. L.akce avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stoddard, 524 --o- Lake avenue, their daughter, Mary, Mickey Macalister, 918 Ashland and son, Mark, came home last' avenue, who graduated in June £rom Lweek &rm a two weeks' trip to, New Trier High school, leaves this. 1their summner home in the Thousand week for her freshmian year at Duike Islands. tuniversity, Durhamu N. C. A win mette :I tt the Wil- 1 church on t