toenerad rthsatl eae8 For several years Col. Louis Wae- felaer of 263 Green Bay road, iringLater there ivili 1* an article on the Glencoe, bas been collecting old m~various activities ot the Scouts dur- magazines, books, gamnes'and packs. mng the swnmer and we hope Bome of cards and taking them to Mines 00, ~snap-shots, but this week we are giv- hospital in Maywood where he per- ing a lst of ail the troops and packs, sonally distributes themn to the 1750 as far as has been- worked out, afdWrd a eeans hr eev '.55 eric ILETE324 the, Placead time of meeting of ing treatment there. each one. Tro.p EO..t., Veterans Leader, Mrs. Aifred Heerens;. asslst- Many of these men'are, confined to ant. Mu. Raph otsa ThursdaY, their cots at all times. Others are --7:30, Baptist c llhurH.isa .H Y DO X hwheel chair patients. Others w h0o LedrMs.ýL.P. eoyrKasstn, te umemust stay indoors ,i < M s $ ut h H a n e n a s i st nt , U r ..> w i n e r n d tin ie h a n g s ,h e a v ily o n Iedisabled soldiers enjoana- FuiOe ic ROYALE MëaderS Mr. Barle Lyon; assistant, preciate these gifts, ani readerS' of tist churcb. ro makie such contributions. These ar- lu a Srves Le ader, Miss Mildred Farmer; asasit ticles a e left at the Glencoe glass bw 3 1c s 4 ant, Mrs. George Coiburn, assistant, public librairy or at Colonel Wae- 3:30, Methodist Oburcli, felaer's home. Donations will be Troop 53 aled for InInstances 'w»bère donors Leader, Mrs. R. D. Burtner; assistant, cannot niake the deliveries. labe toesMrs. L. P. Martens, Wednesday, 3:30, Repes For Gooi. lespense Trsyera hroop Each year the resibonse to this, Snider- Cazel Drug ro6t suggestion has been very gratifyîng, Thfrl Iis troop will meet at the Girl Scout and ClnlWeearhpsta Wilm.t andCeta office, on Monday, Septeinber 25, at 4 ClnlWpearhpsta CoiWljt 0 p.m. Thiis Is to 1be an organizatbon meet North Shore householders will wish ColtWilefl '~ing and Mrs. White will meet with the to again participate ini this fine serv-. members of this troop. ice to the disabled war veterans. Troop 7 ilMiss Florence Richards, Wednesday, Chid e ' o r o IRIST, SCIENTIST 7:30, Congregational 1 rh MIOIS Leader, MssllRofman8auBe Opened on ()<is _9R ExPert W.ageh and Ciock lRp.aii 6~cY fi3i CeNTAL AVE-Hauxt Oser top, WIntew MondasI .WItme 1proper Vilmulas, BALJW'52 9OIL VIOSTEILAL 25c - 89c - $1 -$6 VIOSTERAL c53 CC 5cc$CC At Our Two Depeni Ridge Ave. Pharmacy Lake end Rige Road CallWii.ff. 316 AN FIRST CHIJRCH 0F CH WILMrETTE, ILL ANNOUNQES A FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCI ENTITLED: "HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALSI Win bel IILeadr Mqrs. B Wanner; s. Ernest Warner; assist. eLLA ii l 5 Ib our, With her commt lla Bugoye;assstattee, has been busy during the sumn- Bauer; Place undecided. mier arranging for the series of pro- notlfied. grains to be offered during the coni- p 10 (Aew !Trop) îng season. This is the eighth ;David Owen; assistant, annual season for this series of en-, aii; assistant, Srs. W. K. tertainnients designed for the young- Iay, 3:30, Howard school, er boys and girls. p il (aew Trop> The Jack and Jill Players wil *Dwlght Perry; assistant, _enthe seriesn audyno- watkis; Thursday. 3:30.oe_-- so atra 'r'. information for THE PUBLIC IS CORDIAPLY INYITED TO ATTEND pur-