Ordmr plaed Fr1 day for deivéury wil b. greatly app EASPONU PoRi EACN DEILICIOUS, CUP 21..69e Plump and tender...................l. I 31C MEOINS BRANDS .HAMI. Whole or shank haif. 14- toI 16-lb. avg., IL 29C PRIME BREF RIB ROASTO. 6th and 7Yth ribs. Finest flavor, IL 31 c PRIME BIEF SWUSS. STEAK.: Juicy and tender, lb... .39 MEAT FOR LOAF. Fresh cut fo o'rder, ilb.. 29C ýJones' OId Dairy Fairm Sausage PORK LINKS. Ib. 38c POR K M EAT 1. 634c PUDDINGS JELL.O. ChocoIae-Vanilla-Butferscotch............ 3 for l'5c CROSSE & LACKWELL VINEGAR. Cider or White--Quarf Boitle................ 19C IFOR qUICK BISCUITS BISqIIICK. Large 40-ai. Package ................29c FOULD'S MACARONI. In 8-oz. Packages........ .........3 for 19C 3 for 19#c 1939 118 IOTTU I 5 4d '.rrn l :R1 PURE CANE and MAPLE SYRUP. ln Tait 8-oi. Tins.. ......2 for 23 ......2 for 25c F~ini ajoiss Ouf Schaite Risc.» Ce.. PARADISE OUR PuICES AR9, * UOTIED ON IHI * MAIXET'S lEST Fancy Pears, PFIA- Bosne Table basket . ..... 3 GRAPES .: - Fancy JIlamlng Tokays .3 Ibm. 25 APPLES Fancy Mi-.A * gaut lontunsiut bn.2 AliIqator PlAItS Lare Srr CELERY Fancy MAch -2 g~ Igan HKearts 2bua. Fancy Acora fer WINTEIR mnc. Phiono' WiImette 410: Central Avenue PhonoWmtt40 10 This. Sale for I Saturdoy, September 21.2-23 "w. FANCY I ' - 'l )ted belç)wl . ', ne 8