auts and --idr-n--- J5Otflgirls wilu uve ai;internationali tact witn senools uirougnout Meu _______and_____ en. ouse. country. Remember ber serv- FRATERNITY 1LEDGE GOES 1 0 »EISN ices. are available without cost EarI Borre,~ 2011 Schiller avenue, Miss Phyfls Wheelock, daughter iiETU1IN FROM WESTF or an y other obligation. Wilmette, has been pledged to Dlelta of Mrs. Raymond A. Wheelock, 2142 Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Tideman, T~au Delta fraternity at Wabash col- Chestnut avenue, WiIniette, left last 138 Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth, lege, Crawfordsville, Ind., where he week for Denison university ait and their two daùfhters, Margaret vlsiting San Diego, Los Angeles, and is a freshman this Lall. Mr. Borre Granville, Ohio, iwhere sbe wiIl be and Catherine, returned recently the fair in, San' Francisco. ýThey was graduated from New TrierIn afreshhian.. Miss Wheelock ý gradu- from.a three -weeks' -trip by train îcameý home, mhaking stops, at Grand ;June. Ai New Trier, he was, captain ated. fromn New Trier High -sehool i to the west coast. They went toI Canyon;, Denver- and Estes Park, of the basketball team and a mem- June. California by way -of Portland, Ore., Colobro h bsbl.em ........... .....11 7Nw i MI e Oteasional e Chalri!I EVERY 0.NE PRICED AT, LEAST $3 LOWER FTOR THIIS SALE!t TRESIE CHAIRS LOOK FINER EVEN' TRAN THE REGULAR PRICE! The, largest selection we have off .red ina long time! ,.Every oneof1 hem is a I l U2UDYU~U]Kou- i ' UÂ 7K'Y' I I z. i Made to Seli for $74.5,01 9xl2 ft. I Il KADE BY M. J. WJUTFAL CO., creator@ of the fa- mnous Anglo-Persian rags, known everywheare as unak- ers of QUALITY WILTON A Special, Low Sale Prire! W. purclaas.d iii...rugi; 8p.ciaily for eur sale - they have never b shown before. And wIieui y'ou se. thioni you'l le anuased at the. b.auty, thei ricliness and th irmii, sturdy weav. ýat 0,1.low prie. Twom-Toue Wilto.n Reg. $6 DjROADLOOM, SMALL AMOUNT DO".~ BALANCE IN EASY PAYMENTS Illa Il IIII Li III l"Ill I luil luil I fin I Ili I il Ill I Ili Il IIIIII I IIIIII lui il I Ili il lui il fini il il 1JJIIIIIIIIIIii IIII Ili I il il il 111111 fil il fini il 1111111 Ili fi iiiiiiiii Ill il