Club of Evanston. The sponsors of1 the performance will be the North Shore aluminae of Gamma Phi Beta1 who are presenting the Puppeteers as a benefit for the camp and en- dowment Iunds. Tickets for the event are available in Wilmette, from Mrs. Lewis Er- melinig of 1305 Gr eenVwood avenue;, in: Winnetka, from Mrs H. R. Math- jas, 882. Oak.-street; i.Glencoe, from Mrs. Charles Swann, 521 Jack- son avenue; in Highland Park, from Mrs. D. T. Sanders of Woodbridge lane, general chaîËrman of the bene-l O NTHURSDA and SATURDO Arthur C. Nielsen, 720 Ardsléy road. Dessert will be served. fit;> and in Evanston from Mrs. J. D. Landes, 2223 Ridge avenue. The three camrps, for underpriv- ileged girls betweente ages of 8 and 11, one ini Vancouver, one in Denver, and onie'i Buffalo, sup- ported - by the national organiza- tion of Gamma Phi Beta, wilI bene- fit by procéeeds ô! the performance. AY EVENINGS uni il 9 O'CLOCKj THIE CHIMNETS. 160 Gr.een Boy Rod, Wiuaetko 4 THURSDAY and SATURDAY EYENINGS until 9 0O'CLC PO*&4 )BeIIe-Sharmeer stocki ngs. featurec iniiVoguE excIulsive with! e and Harper's Bazaar Stevens in Evanston eXClUSiVE Stevens in Evanston EvanstonEDGAR A. STEVENS, Irie. EOGAR A. STEVENSI mc. Evan stonI 1 ý eaid" Evansfon