are l nterested in aIl kiflds 'of 'activi- ties and who are seeking op portuni- ties to use the high school to further their knowledgè or' skills in various fields. 1The variety of inquiries is' so great that it will flot be possible for the school to supply instruction -in al the fields which are represented. For example, a few: inquiries have been recelved, cgncerning the possibility of a course in pýhotography. At this timfe the . school' does n ot havea tea cherà or facilities for - providing that particular course. Inquiries have corne'in also for instruction in, model lathe work.. While the school. doés' have machine Ilathes,, it is not certain at this stage ,whether the model lathes will be available, for' evening school students. Inquiiries Denote Classes However, the.number of inquiries that have'been received in the fol- lowing courses would seem to indi- cate that' classes are practically cer- tain to form 'in these lines of study: commrnercialla1w, shorthand~, cooktng, se\wing, interior detorating, applied arts. mechanical drawing, English, French, bookkeeping, and typewrit. ing. Other courses not mentioned in this list. have been named by per- sons, inquiring by telephone, but at this time the minimum ciass of 10 has flot been enrolled. However, with the publicity which is appearing in this week's North Shore paper andi the poster campaign that 'has been carried out this wéèk, it is ex- pected that large nunibers of people will appear for registratîon on Wed- nesday evenlng, October 11. The large posters announclng the evenin g school program have been Miss Carrne A. Schmei la Married on Sept. 23 The wedding of Miss Carnie A. Schmtidt, Ëister of'Edgài'P. Schmidt, of 1111 Merrili street, Hubbard Woods, and 'Fred Tegtmeier, Jr., of Desplaines, took Place September 23' in the Parsonage of the North Shore Methodist church, with the Rev. Frederick J. Scbnell officiatming. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Roscher of EvanstonI were the attendants. Following the ceremony, a wedding dinner was 1 served at the home of Mrs. John Ott, 769 Foxdale avenue. Mr., and Mrs. lHerman G. Seely, '700 Kent, road, Renilworth, and their daughter, 'Mar<cia, have returned! from a three weeks' visit in 'Canada and the 'East. Nighî afie r'night,: Mr. M. oat up-rying to Piece. big bil and littie bills together, 80 they would ail fit intohi. budget. But there waà always $10 or $15 or sometimes even $50 laeklug and Mr. M'É; bafr was beginnlug 10 turn dofinitely grey around the temples, eertificates for that needed $10 (aùd up), iu bis bande, with ouly l0% down and the balance to be paid lu ben easy weekly installments. Even the smali fiatservice charge rewnaino the same., regardiese of amount. Sew and B e ndividuam WJBOLTS