teme tingz'. 1 -11UV- -U vli., ]During the meeting, too, the foi- ý Mrs. Emerson E. Raymond of Ev- lowing committee 'chairmen were anston is chairman of the event- appointed: Mrs. Oliver R. Aspegren, Ms ee eero fWiet program; Mrs. DeKieffer. mem- atiechpe.a bership; Mrs. John. W. Gorby. Jr. 's president of theaciehptrt ii->use; Mrs. Ena P..W.illiams. hos-' Northwestern this year,, and she wil *piaity;Mr~ wenL.Coo, um welcome the new pledges at the ban- mage sale; Mrs. Frank S. Torger- cut son, publicity. Activities for October and No- -vember nud a tea for. pledges and their mothers at the Chapter To Resume Sewing boseonOcobr 5,a umag St. Joseph's Aid -society will re- sale November .2,' and a dessert bridge at the Chapter house Novem-smt eig iha i-a meeting at the rectory, commencing ber 9. .at 10 o'clock on Thursd.ay, Octaber 12. Al menmbers are urged to be present, and new members will, also - be welçome. er; Mrs. L. W. Olson fl program chairman; Mrs. Sharer of Evanston, bouse; S. Braden of Evanston, publ 44~~~ Wellestey Circle Prgm News of reunion will be given. Wellesley alumnae, when the North Shore Welesley circle 'hol ds its first fal meeting Tuesday ýafternoon, Oc-' tober 10, at 2:30 o'ciock, at the home, of Mrs., Samuel Walter White, 141.6 Elinor Place, Evanston. Mrs. Arthurl BarroWs, Mrs. Benjamin Porter, anidl Mrs. John Kingery are 'the assistant hostesses. For Acacia Auxiliary OE HRDYm AUDYutl9OLC The first . meeting for the seasuof PNTHRDY n ATRA VENINGSufi 9O'LC the Women's auxiliary of the Aca-' ASK ABOUT OU REPRKING PLAN cia fraternity will be a "Get Ac- quainted Tea," to be heid at the fraternity house in Evanston on the afterno(Kfi of O.tober 9. AU wmothers. ' sýisters. and wives of Acacianis are cordially invited to this tea. The officers of the auxiliary are Mrs. R. .W. Kittredge of Evanston, presi- dent: Mrs. C. A. Willis of Wilmette, vice-president, and Mrs. Frank R.. Adams of Wilmette, secretary-treas- urer. Suede Beret A grand, litle ha that you can pu--a nd'twist ,as own Iiin.And if has ai'specia buttoned head band that's instantly adjusiable to. any head size--in, a Iovely soft suede and i a glorious selec- tiôn of colors. It.'s just onie of the many smartly different liais you'il sèe n oùr 1-lt Bar at only w