ea iaiaa uivrizyL~L. .Ut ,weL4UUA5mond. F. Brookby of Evanston. us shower at the home of.. Misa Cleveland of Chicago, the bride- wrnl take place in November.Aln .Neso ofWrse, rertrude Bermingham of Wilmette groom is the son of Mr. and AlnC -lo o ocse- n' September 23. Mrs. Andrew Ac- r.CalsC edroio Mass., will serve the bridegroom as omando gave a kitchen shower for Mr. haeaCHeeroif best man, and the ushers are Mr. ie bride last Saturday. Friday eve- 1630 Forest aven~ue. ~£ ~ States, Mr. Brookby, and Bert Moritz. ng of this week the bridegroo m, nggedtoMar of Kenilworth. rill have a bachelor's party. Following their m arriage Mr. Neil- Annonce ngag mentson will take his bride te Greenfield, Annonce ngogmentMass., te live. VilI Go l'o Toledlo for AI Sunday Evening Tea V.clding of His Brother ,,6Genefaene lnoa.Lansing-Heiftrn Doctor and Mrs. Daniel. R. cun- nourice the engagement of thiIr ingham of 924 $heridari road, wil daughter,. Margaret Anne, teo JohndngO toe 25 ýave Friday of this week te attend Bradford Phillips, son of Mr. afid Ms oan asigadhrfm e edin f hefomr' bote, rs Emne J. Phillips of Winnet- -Ilely Of Englewood, N. J., formérly of r. Leo V. Cunningham, 'of Toledo, k. Ei 'anston, are Étôpping at the Geor7. hie. His nxarriage to Miss Eliza-,. The engagement wais annouwwd, gtan hotl Janid wil1 remain here until 4h, Fior'ito will be solerrinized at, Sunday evening,_ Octobe! ?1, at an afteil Mss Langîtirg's mar>,iage th4s :3,, SatuÉdà4yinornng at Q0wi infor mâi tea at the Los home <d o ~eeikP.~i n O uçh, Parlksitde boulevard, Toledo. No date has been set for the wed- 7 onthMt Fr ercPnitman so ren MrS. Cuningham will aet as theOdmng. leaf avenue, Wil iette. Miss Lansing ide's miatron of' horior, Mi P~1~ls Loomlni i a grauate of theis the isughter' (if Mr. and Mrs. umningham 'w$ ' be, - *roth' Bchoo fMsc tNthe nui lbert J . Laning ,st man. -wo otebrothes r vesity, n ammero a , ~ A ~' 1,n~f $ in~u~aî~oMr. Hei$~T~tman and his riebave orik Wi act as ushers. S- hore.- t e - wedding day. Thaeceremony, '-wb Ôoan's club, and a receptiôxi for the University uno! Chmforago . - their htheome taa ends will be given i the afternoon hlnoM.a4 lotel. tue omeo! he rld's aretsMrs. Frank D. Loomia made The bride is to wear her grand- BroksderodOttwaHiis -known the engagement of hi mother's wedding dres.and will be - Dr. and Mrs. Cunningha-m wil Friends -o! Miss flosemary Eck~, a marrie ave after the ceremony to motor former Wilmette tesident, iIb daughter,- Margaret C , o mrI on her grandmother's wed- New ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wl berBQt ta WAnn-hap o er 0 e rarae Jhn rdfdPU.p , teof ding anniversary. lier sister, Dottie New Yrk, Bstonand Wshin- hapy te earn f hermarrage i JohnBradfrdLaising, sonoflLasiegherlloe lir attendtednt, i, D. C., te return somne time later Los Angeles last- Saturday, Septem- Mr. and Mrs. Ermfie. J.' PhiltUps and Mr. Heitman will have his bro- the month. ber 30, to Roland E. Sammelmnan. of Winnetka. ther, Jack, for his best man.