Delieious Plate LUNCHEONS, from Complete Home Cooked DINNERS, from .. Complete Suùnday' CHICKEN DINNER 50C 65c, Wilmette Cafe Opposite VinageHall Chicago vs. Harvaird. COMPLE!SERVICE GUtEAS1NG SUMOMIZING Mobil -Cas BATTERY SERVICE HILIIS 421 Green Bey Ro. SERVICE STATION 1Wil.744 la. eaci advertisenîent on <lis page are the Dames of two schools whose football teama naeet Saturday. Try to gui.m.lte total pointsa t aiwll h. scored in thè~se ine games-JUST, ONE FIGURE is wanted repreut-* ing the total of aIl the pointe seored hy the 18 teamu in 9 gaine.. Each'of the ,firgtthree persona who brings or @ends, to the WILMETT LIFE offie. cor- réectanswers (Orthe Dearest Correct) Winl h. given a' reser'ved meat 'ticket t10 dhe North. western-Wiseonsin gaine. ALL ANSWERS'MUST REACH WILMETFE LIFE OFFICE (or bel post-marked) B E-. FORE NOON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14. opd4all4 yLmii. laSome Your car WASHING GREASING PENNSYLVANIA TIRE BRJGGwS' TEXCO gSERVICE Greien Bay suad Wadahgton Ave. WOlu,.e Ssii notirevmmm vs. .meuso.zu invite yott to attend THE WORLD'S PREMIER SHOWING NEW 1940 CHEVROLET. 10 leL/ci in 0w' Ja e4 io Swing Music or Symphony 9UINLAN RECORD .Service