LAST -3 :DAYS Suede Jackefs GoM8st~yle, i1 l ippor clos- tare, capeskin collar,) zipper pocket. Sizes 36 to 44. $7.50 Mens Mannel Robes A rare value for such quality and tailoring. These robes are in solid colors of navy, maroon,, brown and green. Smali, med- ium, large and extra lre Cé#*q*S$hop, Second Floor OnIy TWICI a year. at ;thit price CONWAY SHIRTS and PA JAMAs $165 i Here it is . . . the twice-a-year value event. Your opportunity to stock up on a stwerior shirt at a real saving. Sethe attracti ve * new patterns of dyed ground striped shirtings. Note the fine tailoring of the stand-up collars and the iegular correct tab col- lars. Sizes 14 to 17. Pajamais You'Il ike the fine quality and generous cut of these speciaiiy priced pajamas. Handsome new strjped patterns witb notch col- lars or iniddjr pull-over style and adjustable band with elastic* sides. Sizes A, B, C, D. Mens foUi Hosiery A special group of nib isle socks with dlock design; also sîlk' socks w'ith reinforced lisle foot. Sizes 101/2, to 12. Pair, 39C.. 3: El El El O o :4 fl*D4 V Th ree more daye to share ii the: savings oëffered 1urlaor famostre wide event. .Eveiry section in our store .is àteemnlng with .e.c..ptionainales in apparel for yourself, warm: sturdy clothes for your family. and staple items for yu oe.I' ourpp1ortunity, to purchase these needi at worthwhîle saviugo. OPEN THURSDAY ýAND SATURDAY UNTUL 9 p...ë CANDIES l3 IL.combînation: 1I L.nixed salted nuts, 1-lb. assorted fudge, ,i1lb. pecan wifers......... o....... ...... O2 1lbs. assorted candies ........ .$l OFieid's Buttermiik Mits.: .lb.IL. .65c [j 3½ lb.L ti n of assorted Cookies...$ Firat Floor OLI) ENGLISH, CLEANING AIOS> Wrist Action Mop ........$1 Quart Rug Cieaner with Brush. . $1 .29 1/2 Gai. No-Rub Wax with scratch remover ..;....................... $1.49 1/2 Gai. Samoline.............89 Giove type Wrist Action Mop.,.51 .25 Fij*h Floor .SOAPS AND TOILETRIES ElField's Supreme Bath Soap. 6. for .75C E],Field's Supreme Toilet Soap. 12 for 75e ElField's Soft or Hardwater Soap. 12 for 44c ElField's Olive Oil Castile. 12 for 95C ElFieid's Formula F S..p ..... 9 for $1 NOTIONS El Kleenex, 200 'sheets to. the box., B for 989 EKotex,6to abox. .....1 El Modess, 68 to a box....$ I Tampax, 40 to package........ 98c FIl Kotex iBelt ................... 33c n V'elveteen hangers, 6 to the package, assorted colors........... 3 for $ ElParker's Polish ..................... 85C El Milo Dry Cleaner........ 3 for $1 nl Milo Cheesecloth .......3 for $1 El Oued Silk Garment Bags,. 60 inch, $2.65; 66 inch.............. 28 nl Conway Tissue, 2000 sheets to roll. L)ozen.......................$1 ElAmerice and Conway flair Nets, in ElSillc Sani El 8-Garmei nl Oued Si] El Piofilm, iryAprons..... Bag with zp..... Zipper Blanket Bag.. ipper JBianket Bag.. . .S Firat -FIoar ERayon Taffeta Slips ......... $4S ElSilk Satin Prnt Gowns ....... $3.« ,E] Bien, Jolie Al-_in-one Foundation .. $5 [j Glenwood Knit, Underwear Ves, Panties, Briefs, Bloomers, each . .. OFamouis Makers' Slips, sglik aû lem- berg rayon satin. Sizes 32 to 44, $2 'n Bien Jolie All-inOno Foundation $S nl Maidenform Bandettes........ 85e El Carter's Knit Lastex Panties. Slight seconds....................$ Third Floor U Saxnple Lacee ecwear ., ......$ O"Jan" Sport Socks .... .3 pains $1.2 El16.-Rib Umbrellas ............$1.85 ElPriait landkerchiefs ............. 25e El liusual Handbags. ... $24 nl "Oakcrest" Special 3-Thread Chiffon' Hose, pair.................. 70e Firgi Flffor ed heans. 6 for $1 Ffra# Floor Iirat Florr BOOKS ElAmerican Doctor's Odyssey, Victor Houser * .......................... $1.49 QSecond Woolicott Reader. . -... $1.79 QScieno'e of Life, H. G. Wells. --$1.98 QAmorican Woman's, CookBook $2.39 Timird Fi~e ULJ pe L1IJIjUAIsWIZ1 WUAO. lFUWI.... P1.10U QDish Cloths. Dozen ..........1.25 n R.ap-in-Wax............. 5 for $1 QShower Curtain, $2.95. Matching D)raperies...... ... ............ $2.95 'lBorg Bathroom Scalo.....39 QExtra Lon~g Wool Blankots .... no n Wool Filled Comforters ..... Muàs Q 54-inch.Wool Plaide, yard . QPercale, M ii Ends, 36 in" swid6g yard.....**................. iz i ...............