The clinic,1 supported by the an- flual sale of Christmas Seals, willl be open to both adults and children, and ail those found needing medi- cal attention will be referred to their family physicians for, treatment.; Tests. fôr. the early discovery of. tu-, berculosis infections as well aschest examinations, will be given by the clinic doctor. Young, .wômen between the ages of 15 and 29 are in the, greatest' danger frorn tuberotilosis. the Tuber- culosis InQtitute gain.. After 30, tbe maie heads, of families are princi- pally threatened bv the disea se. For these reasors, bath men :and womfen are advised to. obtain tuberculin tests and. if necessarv, -chest X-rays, from their familv physicians, Those who have no regular doctor, may. at- tend the Ins:tftute's clinie. The first meeting of the Red Cross classes urider the chajrrnanship of, Mrs. W. P. Seng, 401 Lake avenue, Wilmette, was held Monday, Octo- ber 9, at the Health Center. Fifteen wlomen attended and put in1 47 hours -of work during the day. The Health Center is very happy to be able to co-opernte in this work, and Mrs. Serag cordially invites any-, -one interested to join in the next -Meeting, whieh wiII be held Monday, October 16, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at thxe eaitn I.eIILec. Anyone interested ini classes in home hygiene, and care of the sick is invited to caîl Mrs. Inez C. Bliss, R. N. Wilmette 158. Announce Next 'VFeuek's Chicago, Concert Program. The second week of the symphony season opens with Dr. Stock and the Chicago Symphony orchestra go- Lewis N. Cotlow, of New Yor~k, wiriner of thxe 1938 gold mnedal award- ed by the Adventurer.'. Club of lNew York for the year's outstanding ex- ploit, wilI be the lecturer. He.will fell the story of his one- man expedition, up the Nele, acrots the Sudan, and down, the length of Africa, armned onfly ,With. cameras and a penknife. Hlm, films are es- pecially notable for the scenes in the lion country, among -the -tiny Pyg- mies, iný the domnai of a tribe char, acterized as, the world's talleet people, and i various. habitates, of giant. gorillas.. Other animnais which figure prominently in the.picture ari 't 4 I. OCT. 17-18-19-m10 aui UNCLAIMED IJfousehold Goode Furniture China, Linen, Books., Bric.'amBrtac IRDAE ERV.ROVWADRH@USE 1723 lousoa Ave. lost without, itl. To know your way. arou nd, read is indispensa- what is going Evumst III. WilmtteLife. I.t M.